DEADLINE: 28 July 2012, 9pm GMT+1
Sorry for the delay in putting this up guys, but
_puchula_ thought it was my turn and I thought it was her turn, and as we all know
Poor Communication Kills! c:
The deadline of this challenge is postponed to Saturday due to this
Series Continuity Error.
>> Post your icons as a comment to this post.
>> All comments are screened.
>> Icons should remain anonymous until results have been posted.
>> Running low on inspiration? Check out our
resources page!
>> If you have any questions, please post them in a reply to this
16 submissions
RANDOM EVENTS PLOTTV Tropes comes with a nifty Random button, and we're not afraid to use it, are we?
appleindecay |
blondeboy69 |
imaginary-lives |
lavanille Crazy Enough to Work
01. To sign up, reply to
this comment and I will give you a random trope.
02. I will also offer some suggestions (topical or technical, or even both, depending on the trope) so that you have something to work with.
03. You can change your given trope only once.
04. You can sign up during the whole challenge.
05. You can submit up to 2 icons, using the same trope - but you're allowed to make two icons with two different interpretations of said trope (for example, one technical and one topical).
Use the following code to submit your icons.
SUBMISSIONSTROPE: the trope you were given