So, we've inspired you with
Character and Genre trope suggestions, but what about those pesky Technical Tropes? LOOK NO FURTHER! Behind the cut is a wall of inspiration, in the form of icons and textures, to inspire some creativity.
Feeling a little stuck on where to begin for your free choice tropes? Linked below are the previous inspiration posts that have been provided for the community. Why not re-visit your favourite tropes from previous challenges?
And remember, you are allowed to sign up at any time during the submissions period! If, on a whim, you go trope crazy, let us know and we will give you posting access!
Face Framed in Shadow absolutelybatty |
beatsagain |
cookiestome |
cosmicfish |
fever_heat fprintmoon |
fuuurs |
imaginary_lives |
kibethsbark |
longerthanwedo naushika |
oviedo |
prettybutt |
sallyna_smile |
sarisafari saxify |
selline_s |
sheeplover0104 |
tunaeverynight |
zoetheriot Widescreen Shot dunhammed |
everythingshiny |
hauntes |
innocent_lexys |
inthegiggleloop kasiopeia |
lemonrocket |
library_of_sex |
likealight |
llean mancalahour |
marcasite |
motorized |
nokitas |
odd_one_around oxoniensis |
paintable |
phaust_ |
pointblankdarcy |
rowofstars Yellow Lightning, Blue LightningZip Folder of all textures bijoou |
dekolette |
deny1984 |
drankmywar |
drankmywar erzsebet |
erzsebet |
hybridmagic |
hybridmagic |
hybridmagic hybridmagic |
iconographer |
innocent_lexys |
innocent_lexys |
innocent_lexys juanxyo |
lemonpunch |
lemonpunch |
lookslikerain |
magic_prophecy munrikki |
munrikki |
pandavirus |
pandavirus |
prettybutt prettybutt |
rhcp_csi |
rhcp_csi |
rhcp_csi |
rhcp_csi tle_lovie69 | UNKNOWN | UNKNOWN | UNKNOWN | UNKNOWN
wherescookie |
worship_elle cielo_gris |
cielo_gris colormayfade |
eamesie |
elli |
ellikillcolor |
killcolor |
planets-bend-between-us |
planets-bend-between-us |
realproofrealproof |
rhcp_csi |
shoqolad |
shoqolad |
slaygroundslayground |
slayground |
yunhe Half-Empty Two Shot amaranthine3 |
apologizeg |
blue_emotion |
dashberlin |
deadwillwalk deternot |
discreets |
fan_cifully |
fiendie |
fullonswayzeed krazykate2 |
mzsparkles |
obana |
satinelight |
sky_magenta talkofcake |
v_allery |
wickedgrdn |
xafirah |
zoetheriot PREVIOUS PATHS OF INSPIRATION As always, feel free to include your own inspiration in the post. We look forward to seeing those entries!