Hello to all again

Mar 21, 2008 23:41

I have been looking around at the internet and I forgot about my live journal account. I have done alot since the last update. I have a little boy who is my whole world. I can't imagine if I never have had him. I would be bored and lonely all the time. I'm so lucky to have him. He will be 3 yrs old in July. I am also going to be having another bundle of joy. I am so excited about it. Chris really needs someone to play with and get into trouble with. I love the relationship I got with my sister so I want that for my son. I enjoy calling her; talking to her like nothing will ever happen to that friendship. It was hard to listen to her when we were younger but she got use to me. lol.

I also got married to the man of my dreams (literally he was in all my dreams). I can't imagine us not being together. We have the best relationship. I love him with all my heart and he is the best dad. He has been there for both us. Teaching him to say words, playing games, and helping him to learn his manners. If he ever left me then I wouldn't be complete. He would be the missing piece of my puzzle.

To think when I started to write in this journal back when I was 14 that I would be married and have a child. No I could never imagine this. I am ready to complete the rest of my life with the two best men in the world. Lots of love, Bex
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