Check this out....

Nov 30, 2003 02:00

My cousin, Jason, showed me this site in which has the most hilarious thing on it. It is talking abt how this illegal immigrant is getting paid less then americans. The host was agreeing that they should get paid under then americans. Then this guy called in to the station and made this statement that i won't forget. Read this:

Host "Hello, you're on the air."

Me "Yes, I'm calling to side with the lawyer."

Host "Why?"

Me "Because saying that an illegal immigrant doesn't deserve to be paid the same wages as an American because he doesn't belong here in the first place is like saying that a person trapped in a well shouldn't be saved because he shouldn't have been playing around the well in the first place."

Host (pause)
"Yeah... that's a good point." - this is the site
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