(no subject)

Nov 10, 2003 03:22

I am a whore and a bum. I haven't got a job yet and has been living off my parents. I am a whore because I have been sleeping around alot. This past week though I haven't because I got involve with one of the guy that I slept with. He was the only one that made sense to me to stay with. All the others were just wanting to fuck me and leave me which I really don’t care either. I only have to say that Ryne is the first guy that has got me so confused on his feelings then my own. Joel was right when he told me that it might be more then just fuck buddies.

I have been hanging out with Amy alot over this past two weeks. I really missed hanging out with her and now she can get away an hour or so after work so we can hang out. I think my friend Brandy is jealous because I have been hanging out with other people then her. I really love my brandy I wish that we can hang out more.

Jacob came by to see me on the 10th of October and I haven't seen him since. I really wish I can figure him out but I guess I can never figure out someone who wants to be alone. I want to see him again but I wont be able to be with him because I moved on without him. If only he knew how much I really wanted to get to know him and be with him, maybe he would have stayed around. I love ya Jacob and wish that we could've been something.
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