A Rest Day

May 29, 2014 11:10

During yesterday's physiotherapy session, I was given the opportunity to take a complete day off from doing my regular series of exercises, what a wonderful gift as I was quite sore by the time we finished the session. New modifications were introduced to increase the strength during the Bridge exercise having me now squeeze a ball or pillow between the knees for a five count then relaxing and lowering my butt... yes, after three sets of 10, everything I owned was achy indeed.
Tomorrow it's the six week post surgery review with my Surgeon. I'm looking forward to it as that should be the day I'm given formal approval to commence driving my car... a bit late as I've already been operating both the car and truck for a few weeks now without pain or impairment. Also, it's been eight months, last Thursday since the first hip was operated on and that too is due for a check, I'll need to remind him as there are supposed to be x-rays taken and finally the return to work discussion needs to take place especially in light of the interview I've been invited to attend next week to staff a new role in our facilities management team. I'm excited by the opportunity presented and would be very happy to be selected.

Next update should (hopefully) contain some great news!

LOML (Aetheldaeg ) continues to be my greatest help ensuring that I don't overdo anything. She is continually looking out for my best interest and in all likelihood will be very, very happy when I finally get out of the house and back to work. She needs some space, regrettably, I'm not in a position to yield to her at this time, but, soon is my hope.

Also on the family front, our youngest is scheduled to deliver her baby, Caesarean due in part that the baby is presently breech and cannot be manually turned (rotated). It's tough being a Dad and not knowing the terminology but I'm sure you understand what I mean and will forgive my lack of knowledge. After all, I was only at two birth events and both were natural, at least to me. LOML is a wonderful Mom, her relationship with both our girls is part mentor, part friend and companion too. It's heartwarming to see them together either in pairs or a bunch, the laughter is infectious too.
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