The Letter "B"

Jul 30, 2007 19:01

Here's the way this goes...

I got this from dageraad_k

I am to post 10 things that mean something to me that start with the letter "B", and explain their significance.

If you would like to play, comment here to request a letter. I will give you a letter, you will post 10 things in your journal that start with that letter and explain their significance.

My 10 things beginning with the letter "B"...

1. Blessed. I feel blessed most of the time, LOML has brought so much to my life, I can’t imagine being with anyone else. I feel blessed too in having wonderful family and friends, people who don’t even know how much joy they bring into my life. All are truly a blessing and I am thankful.

2. Beauty. Being Canadian, I’m almost compelled to say, “Real beauty, eh?” Not exactly, but trying to see beauty in anything and everything. When you take time to notice, you’ll see it too.

3. Bea. My younger sister, we keep in touch not too often but I have some very fond memories and a picture of her when she was quite young graces our guest bedroom.

4. Butterfly. LOML has a thing for butterflies, for her they bring renewed life, a fresh beginning. She even has a tattoo of one to commemorate her new life after cancer. To me they're all that and I also think they’re lovely to see, so vibrant in colour and graceful in flight.

5. Bed. Anyone who knows me at all can attest to my love of sleep and the very best sleep in our home is in bed with LOML to snuggle up to. On those rare times when we’re not sleeping together, napping or days after working nights, the cats usually find their way onto the bed to ensure the covers don’t blow away.

6. Banana. The humble banana is one of my favourite fruits. Funny enough, LOML has a very definitive period during which a banana is edible, ripe enough so it’s not green but not over ripe and therefore too soft and “Mushy”. No matter, banana is a yummy snack.

7. Basement. It’s where I’ve been concentrating my time for the past months doing our major renovation. It’s coming along, not as fast as I’d like but then I’ve learned a lot about time-lines and effective planning to get a large project completed. The good news is that LOML’s Craft Room is finally being painted… she’s doing an exceptional job of it!

8. Buttocks, butt, bum, booty. No matter what you call it, my favourite part of a woman’s body is her bottom, lovely curvaceous and delightful to see. I refer to myself as a “Leg and bum” man… I’m sure everyone can figure it out.

9. Bare. My usual attire first thing in the day is nothing whatsoever, completely bare! I sleep barenaked, have since being a young fellow and aside from that, it’s been my custom to remove my work clothing upon entering the house and then dress after a shower. Many years ago, as a young soldier, I often came home quite dirty, filthy according to LOML and as she didn’t want me making mess of the house, I was to enter, go downstairs to the basement, remove soiled uniform and get cleaned up. Well, now you all know my deepest secret, I’m very clean from all the showers.

10. Baking. Not that I do any myself, but more to the point, LOML and my Mom bake such wonderful treats that to have a list that didn’t include baking would be tantamount to committing a criminal act. MMMMMMM, Lemon Cake and Walnut Roll, two of my very favourites. Perhaps LOML will make her famous lemon cake for us in August to celebrate our anniversary? Let’s hope so and I’ll ask her to post the recipe.
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