Apr 18, 2011 17:13

Hey everyone- I figured I would give you all a well-deserved update on what happened. I was in a car crash that was fairly serious a few months back and had a lot of physical therapy and as a result was no longer able to mod this kink meme. I was under the impression that the other mod peendragon would take over in my absence but I guess she had decided to stop using LJ without telling me. Lack of communication on both our parts caused all this drama, sorry about that.

I don't know why the community was screening comments but I have fixed that now. Now that I'm healed I hope to be on more and help with the modding but since ginger_maya was doing such a good job I also added her as a mod. If there is anyone else who was also helping out I would be more than happy to include them in the mod team. This kink meme has gotten huge in my absence and all the help I can get would be appreciated.

EDIT: I unscreened all the randomly screened comments from the Round 4 and 3 prompt posts.


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