I want to believe

Apr 07, 2010 07:57

A nurse in Great Britain is suing her employers because they asked her to remove a crucifix. When she refused, they moved her to a desk job: http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20100407/wl_uk_afp/britainreligionlabourlaw

I want to be on this woman's side. The employer claims that it wasn't religious discrimination, but rather a safety issue. The necklace could be tugged at. That's reasonable--expect she's been working there with her cross since 1989.

So it does sound like her employer has been acting disingenuously--to say the least. So I want to side with her. But this woman irks me to the core. She's quoted in the article as saying, "It seems that you can insult Christians and it's OK but you can't actually insult any other kind of religious group."

Really, you said that? You honestly think it's harder to be a Christian in Western society? Really? Really!?

Like I said, I want to be on her side, but she's making it very hard for me.
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