Nov 28, 2004 02:48
I still feel like such absolute crap. I know I've been brooding about this since late Friday, but I still have this inner turmoil that won't shut up until I spill it out through my fingertips. I feel so stupid and irresponsible, this creature of ignorance that is too chaotic to work with or understand. I'm having flashbacks now of my first job...I was working as an editor for my friend's website, and I was so happy I got the job...
...only to be fired from it a week later...for being 'too chaotic to work with'...
I'm such a nuisance...all I am is just some unwanted luggage that my loved ones have to carry around. I just create problems and cause headaches...what am I really good for..? Everyone would probably be relieved if I just dropped off the face of the earth...if I just stopped existing...That would eliminate all the headaches I've caused.
That's all I am...just a headache to annoy others...