Title: “Minor Skirmish"
Status: OneShot; Complete
Fandom: Tron: Legacy
Characters: C.L.U., Rinzler, ISO OCs
Disclaimer: The big mouse owns half the world, both Tron movies included.
Rating: PG-13
Beta: The great snare-chan! Thank you!
Summary: The wall behind C.L.U. shattered under the impact of a body. The hurled program went down in a shower of
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Hm, well, beam blade just seemed to be appropriate, although I like the idea of a katana, too. It was one of those spontaneous spur of the moment thingies I often get while writing, were the stories suddenly writes itself. Glad that you liked it ^-^
And yeah, of course Rinzler is spec.ops,- he's so bad ass what else could he be?! LOL I loved the announcement during the Light Cycle duel ^-^
...one-User writing machine... °-° Uh...thanks?! Actually, I'm already in the process of planning a longer fanfiction with a focus on Sam and Rinzler... sort of... äh,- don't want to spoil ^-^ And I really hope my muse will get hit with more ideas for OS's too, and soon, because I'm head over heels for this fandom (which never before happened, aside from Transformers).
PS: Normally, my prompt accept round is closed, but if you want, you can give me a TL one, because I don't have one yet *points towards her LJ account*
PPS: Your icon's great! Go C.L.U. !
*quorra busts through into the game arena*
announcer: illegal combatant on the floor! Release rinzler!
Ps idk if youre one of the people that like kitty!rinzler, but every te I type 'rinzler' on my ipod, the spellcheck wants to change it to 'nuzzle'.
Yes, yes, exactly THAT announcement! The creator of "Project Tron/Rinzler" (a fanvid over on YT, but I'm sure you know of that already) used it and I went all gooey in the knee LOL
I'm not much into kitty!Rinzler - it depends how far the writer takes it - but now I really wonder how your ipad makes that connection. Isn't it far fetched, from "Rinzler" to "nuzzle"?
It's really good, though ^-^ Do you have, perhaps, a link to the one you mean?
I really hope we'll see more of Tron in the next movie, though. Maybe the writers will draw a bit of inspiration from "We're Pilots"? Would be cool... ^o^
I goofed the username. It's spac3paranoid5. The video you saw has pieces of this one, though. It's sark-centered.
Rumors have it that really Ed D. jr will be the bad guy and that the story will focus on Sam/Quorra... Bye bye, my fangirl dreams... T-T
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