grid_news For those who aren't familiar with fandom news comms, three times a week (M-W-F) there will be a digest post, containing all the fic, art, graphics, fandom news, actor news, community news, EVERYTHING that's been posted since the last update in a nice easy-to-handle format so you don't miss anything. You can watch or join or both, but you don't have to be a member to see the posts.
If there's ever anything Tron-related that you want to be included in the digest (Even if it's not on Livejournal - franchise news / AO3 fic / ffnet fic all come to mind) then please send a pm to one of the editors (
citiesfalling) or to the watcher journal (
Comments/suggestions/thoughts welcome!
feel free to delete this if it's too irrelevant or w/e, i just wanted to get the word out