May 10, 2010 22:17
Kind of how I feel about things right now.
Drive to Seattle went great.
Snobby cousin seems to be on good behavior for now.
Girls are doing well according to doctor.
Except we have insurance woes again. Kate was witheld growth hormone because they billed us for the entire amount in December. No warning we went over our cap for the year. She was off of it for a month and she has stopped growing. Proof that she medically needs it. So good to document but sad she had to miss out on good growth. Now they are witholding the meds again. Same reason. Its a huge mess. Doctor will do his best to show the insurance that these girls truly need this.
Then my so called friend Greta called me. Haven't really heard much from her since my falling out with Robin, the town drunk and witch who likes to scar sick little girls in the ICU. She is all mad at me for saying in the privacy of my own home that Robin's son is a druggie. Greta was the one who informed me. My nine year old got on the computer and emailed Gretas daughter asking if it was true. So my kid overheard me.She wasn't doing it to be mean. Greta is so scared of Robin and her crazy wrath she felt the need to be all mad at me for Emily emailing her kid? How is this my problem when I am out of town?? Pisses me off. Let her know I honestly don't care what Robin thinks and that she is a drunk nutcase. Just everyone, leave me alone! Omg losers. Cowards!!I have nothing to do with any of these people
robin endicott greta twins doctor insura