(no subject)

Oct 20, 2009 07:20

Things that Need Doing:

1. Senior Lab Lab 3 Experimental Design - discussing our lab ideas with Dr. Pawlas @ 9:30, still need to write up the statisticy part of the pepsi lab and figure out sample sizes >.< (BY 9:30)
2. Schedule lab time for Fourier project w/ Darren, email team (while I'm in the ITLL this morning)
3. Photoshop up the picture for the Banquet invitations, get those all formatted, email to the Service committee, or at least Ben and Toni (photoshop also on ITLL computers, not mine *emos*)
4. Buy paper for said banquet invitations (tomorrow morning)
5. Print up and distribute said banquet invitations (tomorrow at band)
6. Find out whether or not I'm responsible for formal invitations!
7. See about getting Uncle Alan tickets to the homecoming game, or if he still even needs them.
8. DISHES. Like Whoa.
9. Read up on postings for EMEN 5042 and make "insightful" posts to get my 30 pts of "participation" >.< (I am one of the 4 people who attends class, and am about the only one who ever answers questions - sometimes it just feels like a dialog between me and the prof. But does that count as participation? noooooooooooo, because "the distance students can't earn participation that way". Why not allow BOTH, instead of making me go post on the forums with questions I don't have??? *grumples*)
10. Costumes must be done by FRIDAY (technicaly, party's not til Saturday, but I'd like to NOT be finishing costumes the day of this time). Jasmine is almost done, Jafar is planned and partially cut out but not sewn)
11. Covidien Band 3-5 today
12. APPLY FOR EVERY JOB IN THE WORLD. Cuz I want to have a job when I graduate, and I have not yet had a successful interview for somewhere I would actually want to work *grumples*
13. On that note, run my resume by the Career Services people, see what they can do to make it more appealing, cuz obviously it's NOT if 8 companies coming to campus to interview have turned down the ONLY undergrad at CU with my knowlege of statistics, data analysis, and advanced BPE training. Harumph.
14. Oh yeah, that recording of my name the dude needs for graduation, that I've been putting off for a long time, cuz I can't pronounce my name right anyways.
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