Feb 05, 2013 23:24
Last night was an amazing night at work. I had a woman and a teenage girl come in and they were looking for bras, but didn't want any help at first. Eventually the woman comes up to me with a 32B bra telling me its her size but its way too tight. Just by looking at her, I can tell she is not a 32B, so I ask her if she needs a fitting to determine her correct size. I establish that she is actually a 36C and she is super excited once I give her a few bras in that size and actually fit her!
Then the younger girl with her asks to be fit as well so I do. They end up shopping around for awhile before they make their way up to the register where they proceed to tell me it's the younger girl's birthday. The woman then tells me she's the girls aunt (as she sends her to grab another item) and that her niece's family doesn't have a lot of money so she normally has to buy her stuff and her niece stays with her a lot for financial reasons. I end up helping them out with a coupon, and they were soooo excited! It made me feel really good that not only was I able to make it more affordable (our company allows us to do $10 off a bra coupons, etc to impact customer loyalty) and I helped the aunt find some items in her size after wearing the incorrect size for years!
So that was an amazing experience. :)
Then today I had my interview for the other job I'm looking into getting because it offers benefits (and I met one of their employees online who told me its an awesome place to work). That interview actually went really well since it employs many of the skills I've acquired through VS; the only thing is it doesn't pay what I get now, but has benefits and better potential for moving up. The interview went well and they're going to call me and set up a second interview, yay!