Wilson - “How'd you get here?” House-"By Osmosis"

Jul 31, 2006 23:41

So, since I have only one more paragraph to write, obviously I'm doing everything in my power to procrastinate ^_^  good news is that I've found some amazing things on the "House" website.
full listing of the medical terms used, organized by episode
here's the regular website for the show:
there's a listing of "House-isms" some of them are good, but upon rereading them I've decided more than 1/2 of what makes House/House-isms so good is Huge Laurie, so reading them isn't as fun.  (Tonight I got to see Inside the Actor's Studio w/Hugh Laurie and although he's completely different from House, he is so funny!)

I'm very excited that tomorrow night I will not have to stay in the city late, so I will be home to watch a repeat of the second season :oD

also, for any fans out there, I found this quiz on Usanetwork's website for The 4400
my 4400 ability is mind control.  :o)
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