It's been a long while... But Christmas Wish List 2014

Nov 25, 2014 17:26

Maybe I'll update properly in December. It's November and therefore NaNoWriMo, after all.

But this is a thing I have done yearly for a while now so I might as well put something up. I'm not expecting anything as I have been a lousy LJ friend this year, but... still.

1. A diagnosis. Please, please, more than anything I just want a diagnosis for whatever-the-heck-is-wrong-with-me. I'm sick to death of saying chronic headache/migraine/anxiety/depression/hypermobility/muscle spasms etc etc etc. I long gave up on getting a cure for it so just a diagnosis so I can get on the right track for health care would be grand. Also then, people might take the fact I AM genuinely ill more seriously than accusing me of being lazy because I don't "look sick."

2. To become a best-selling author.
(This is something you CAN actually help with. I have a book out now. It's not a big book but it is a start. If you'd rather a paperback copy (or two or three or...), I am selling them at GBP 5.00 plus p&p. and you can buy them directly from me.)

3. In relation to the above, likes on my facebook page, reviews on goodreads and amazon for my book - provided you've read it of course - and followers on twitter, tumblr and instagram. Anything to start creating a buzz.

4. Speaking of making a buzz, start helping to promote #SlippersForShelter. Basically, 18th of December is "Slippers for Shelter" day and we need social media to help make this a viral phenomenom! And of course, if you could make a little donation (the suggested amount is GBP 2.00) that would be wonderful and mean a lot to me. I will be joining in with this too, but again, focussing on it after NaNoWriMo.

5. My whole family and friends to be healthy and happy: of course. I'm seeing so many people I love struggling with illness, whether it's depression, alcoholism, renal failure, diabetes, Down syndrome and so on and so forth. So, if you're reading this, do something for me: do something to make YOU happy. Even if it's reading a good book or taking the dog for a walk. Take some time out for you and look after yourself. This obviously includes my pets - my rabbits aren't getting any younger (woe) and Zara is still epileptic.

6. Things to help with pain relief. I love cold pads for my forehead, but they are disposable and the price stacks up. I have a wonderful aromatherapy gel from Norfolk Lavender which I am getting a bit low with, and I'm always willing to try something new to ease aching muscles/joints/head. Basically, I ache everywhere these days.

7. To have a better living arrangement than I do right now. (This all ties into health and money, can you tell?)

8. New books to read. I'm watching next to no TV (looking forward to the Mentalist coming back and that is about it) but I'm reading voraciously. My goodreads profile shows you the kind of stuff I read and have already read. Of course it's no way near complete, but if you're unsure if I've read something - just ask. I prefer physical copies of books, but I do have an Amazon Kindle, so there is that.

9. Decaf tea. I'll try any tea as long as it is decaffeinated. It's more than a weakness, it's a compulsion.

10. Dialysis to KEEP specialised commissioning status in the UK.

In all seriousness, if you wanted to cards/postcards never go amiss. I decorate my bedroom wall with postcards from folks and always like to add more. I can't promise to reply to them and/or send you one in return, but still. Thank you for taking the time to read this and sorry that I've been lousy lately.

I hope you're all well. And now I'm going back to the grindstone.

life: christmas, life: money woes, livejournal: meme, life: i want to write for a living, general: shameless promotion, life: in pain

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