Hehehe. A couple of years ago snakewhissperer came over to mine, she had just bought some Henna and we were trying it out. When my housemates came home (we were rather tipsey from drinking mean), they asked us what we had been up to (which was a surprise because they used to ignore me) and snakewhissperer said, completely deadpan 'We've been playing with mud!'.
I went to Kardio Kickboxing. I enjoyed it... but it felt rather more like a 'let's all meet up and work out (with a slight twist)' than actually learning to Kickbox. It focussed to much on the wrong aspect for me.
I'm going to look and see if I can find actual kickboxing lessons that are easy for me to get to. If not, I'm trying ju-jitsu next.
I hope you find something you like. I tried a class at home called 'Box Step' and it was advertised as kickboxing, but it was nothing of the sorts. It was aerobics with slightly more kicking. It was a complete waste of time for me. I'm hoping these classes my mum found are more martial arts based.
I literally just found out we have a Martial Arts centre 1 mile away from me. It offers Karate, Kickboxing and Capoeira - so I've emailed them asking for more information.
That sounds good! I have absolutly no idea what Capoeira is. I wonder what type of kickboxing it is, thai or chinese (I think they are the most common)
Capoeira is actually a Brazilian martial art - it was developed when prisoners were unable to touch each other, so they practised their skills by pretending it was a sort of dance! It's amazing to watch.
just friended you, hope you don't mind - sneakyangel will vouch i'm not an axe murderer ;-)
I just hope you can tolerate beyond obsessiveness when it comes to Romanadvoratrelundar, and whinging about headaches and migraines.
That's pretty much all I do. Ever.
We like playing with mud and drinking mead :D
Playing with mud and drinking mead? Hmm okay.
Fun times!
I went to Kardio Kickboxing. I enjoyed it... but it felt rather more like a 'let's all meet up and work out (with a slight twist)' than actually learning to Kickbox. It focussed to much on the wrong aspect for me.
I'm going to look and see if I can find actual kickboxing lessons that are easy for me to get to. If not, I'm trying ju-jitsu next.
I literally just found out we have a Martial Arts centre 1 mile away from me. It offers Karate, Kickboxing and Capoeira - so I've emailed them asking for more information.
nah, todo lists are my current tic, but that is becuase i'm moving country!
Erm, yes I can deal with that.
Awesome. Where are you moving from/to?
read my tardis bigbang fic. author name caitilin
Sarah Jane, Harry and Jack...*Grins* and no, Jack only flirts.
Will do so when I'm next free for an evening. I'm trying out Kickboxing tonight!
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