FIC: Snapshots (1)

May 17, 2011 11:12

Title: Snapshots
Author: tromana 
Rating: Various
Characters: Various; principally gen 3 as it stands right now.
Summary: Breathe in, breathe out. That's a moment in your life. Snapshots of the character's lives at any given moment in time. Drabbles from the skinsbang_vent  drabble tag challenge.
Disclaimer: I don't own Skins.
Notes: First (published) Skins fic. Unbeta'd as they're just drabbles.

Prompt: Emptiness is filling me to the point of agony

Mini doesn't want to turn into her mother.

When she was younger, her Mum always said that she was 'just like her'. Still does, sometimes. Mini hates that. She wants her own identity, to make her own mistakes and learn from them herself.

She doesn't want to tread the same paths as her Mum. End up washed up, useless, stuck with a teenage daughter and always on the lookout for the next easy shag, yet proclaiming the opposite.

That life seems so empty, so pointless. Like a life dressed in pain and little else.

Mostly, Mini just wants to escape.

Prompt: Revenge is a dish best served cold

She can't believe it.

Nick and Liv. Liv and Nick. It seems so wrong.

She and Nick, they were in love. She loved him, he loved her. Okay, so he never actually said it. Dodged the bullet, said she was hot and sexy instead. But it didn't matter. Deep down, Mini knew he cared.

Or thought she knew.

The problem was what to do next.

Because it wasn't just Nick that had hurt her, it was Liv too. Liv was meant to be her fucking best friend.

But she decided to wait.

Hot fury left you looking like a fool.

Way of Life
Prompt: Obsession

Rich wasn't obsessed.

There's no fucking way he'd let himself get obsessed with metal.

No, it was, a way of life, a custom, a choice.

You either got it or you didn't.

No half measures.

No compromises.

And that was the slight, but subtle difference.

Grace. She didn't get it. Of course she didn't. She just cared about stupid fucking girly stuff. Ballet. Crap like that.

And then.

Then, she turned up at the bar with a pint in hand. Claimed to be 'Sub Rosa' or 'Sub' for short.

That was the moment when he thought maybe she could understand.

Prompt: Hearts that don't love can't be broken.
Bare Hands by Delta Goodrem

Franky doesn't feel.

Not normally.

Not any more.

Not after all the shit she's been through.

Well, wouldn't you if you'd walked a mile in her shoes?

She was pleased when her Dads adopted her. No more being shunted around from place to place, becoming a nameless person in a sea of faces. She means something to them.

It's weird.

She knows she cares for them, deep down. Because that's what families do. They care.

Friends too.

Like Liv, Grace and Mini. They support, love, live for each other

One day, she wishes, she could love without having her heart broken.

For now, not doing so is her only protection.

Prompt: You could be brilliant, but you're a coward
Leroy, Black Swan

You're a coward.

You're a weak, selfish bastard who fucks everything up the moment you touch it. It's just nobody's noticed before. Mainly, because you've never fucked up quite as badly as Matty. If you had, then people would realise how much of a cunt you actually are.

And the sad thing is, you don't mean it, do you? You thought you were happy. Thought you liked Rugby, liked your mates, liked Mini.

But then Mini wouldn't shag you, would she?

But you just couldn't be patient and wait, could you?

If you had, things would be so different.


fanfic, character: rich hardbeck, pairing: nick/mini, fanfic: snapshots, tv: skins, character: nick levan, character: grace violet, character: franky fitzgerald, pairing: grace/rich, character: mini mcguinness

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