FIC: Addiction (4/7)

Jan 26, 2010 20:24

Title: Addiction (4/7)
Author: tromana
Rating: T
Characters: Jane/Lisbon Team
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: It starts off painfully simply, it always does. Every single day, in fact. Jane/Lisbon Friendship
Spoilers: 2x03 Red Badge, 2x10 Throwing Fire
Notes: Written for hoshinekoyasha who asked for a fic based on Lisbon and drugs overdose/reliance.

Previous parts: Part One, Part Two, Part Three

Part Four

Just three days into the washout and Lisbon is seriously regretting not taking up the offer of a hospital bed.

She’d be fine if she could take a painkiller or two, just to numb the throbbing pain as it would allow her to operate like a human being, but that would obviously defy the whole objective. It doesn’t help that every sound reverberating around the CBI headquarters seems to have been magnified tenfold or that she kind of, accidentally, broke her blinds when trying to shut the light out either. With a sigh, she picks up yet another manila folder emblazoned with the CBI logo. The words started merging together an hour ago and she’s only been here for two, but still, Lisbon has plenty of work to be doing. And she’s not going to let a headache beat her, even without the medication.

When Rigsby arrives, three hours late because of a dentist’s appointment, she winces as she hears his cheerful whistling fill the building. Having delivered coffees to the bullpen, along with a tea which has probably been prepared incorrectly for Jane, he opens the door to her office and smiles brightly at her. When he goes to place Lisbon’s normal preference, a black coffee with one sugar, on her desk, Jane appears virtually out of nowhere, snatching the beverage away. He stomps towards the kitchenette, disposes of it swiftly before returning to give a rather bemused Rigsby a steely glare.

“What was that for?”

“She can’t have caffeine!”

“I didn’t know!”

“Well you should have asked!”

“I am still here you know,” Lisbon interjects as the two men attempt to size up to one another. “And it is my health you’re discussing.”

“Sorry, Boss,” Rigsby replies almost instantaneously and she knows he means it. “I didn’t mean…”

“I know you don’t, Rigsby,” she answers soothingly.

Jane simply scowls in response; as far as he’s concerned, Rigsby should have known better. Next, he’ll be offering her some tablets to get through the day as she seems to be suffering particularly today. Lisbon hasn’t been that impressed, but he doesn’t regret napping on her couch for a second. After all, Jane feels somehow obliged to keep an eye on her, like she has his back whenever he pulls a stunt. Though it is blindingly obvious that she doesn’t see his attention as caring, more irritating, it doesn’t matter. Jane knows that what he’s doing is for the best and that’s what counts.

Feeling somewhat disappointed with himself, though not entirely sure why because he hadn’t actually been updated on Lisbon’s new dietary requirements, Rigsby shuffles back into the bullpen. Van Pelt flashes a gentle smile in his direction; she knows just how scared he was going to the dentist alone and had wished that she could go along with him. But even if they’d announced their relationship status to the world, she wouldn’t have been allowed to do so anyway. No boss in their right mind would give somebody time off just to accompany their boyfriend to something like that, even if said boss was feeling one hundred percent well and compassionate. They all know that she’s been to the hospital recently and though she wouldn’t elaborate too far, except to make it clear that she isn’t suffering from something life-threatening, they know her recovery from whatever is wrong with her is going to take some time.

It’s a few hours later and the three members of the Serious Crimes Unit who occupy the bullpen are slowly running out of work and growing bored. Cho has already pulled out the murder mystery he’s in the middle of reading, smirking at all the inaccuracies that the writer has thrown in to ‘spice up’ the action and Rigsby is finishing up his last report while a doughnut stares back at him teasingly. Only Van Pelt remains focused on her task in hand, but being the lowest ranked member of the team, she finds it easy to find work to do; anything that will make her appear more driven and will impress those above her is worthy of her attention.

“No, I don’t want you to take me home, Jane!”

All three jolted from their own little worlds as the sound of Lisbon’s voice cuts through the air. Obviously, Jane was beginning to bother the brunette again and she has had enough. Van Pelt, particularly, thinks that it is sweet that the blond is finally considering somebody other than himself, but really, he does need to learn when to back off. Cho carefully closes the paperback and slips it back into the draw that he has designated for books and glances over at Rigsby. Rigsby stares back in terror, as if he is trying to tell the Asian that it is his ‘turn’ to get involved with whatever argument has sparked between the pair.

“But you’re ill, I’m sure the interim boss won’t care that you take one afternoon off.”

“I’m fine.”

“Yes, you’re fine,” he echoes skeptically. “Which is absolutely the reason you fell asleep on that report, so don’t say you were just resting your eyes, Lisbon.”

“Yes, fine, I was sleeping,” she hisses as Cho swiftly picks up some paperwork to hide behind, even though he completed said paperwork an hour ago. “But that does not mean I need to go home.”

Cho silently agrees with Jane. Lisbon does look paler than usual, her eyes sullen, more withdrawn. And that is saying something considering just how unwell she has been looking for some time now. He knows that the particularly stubborn martyr inside Lisbon is refusing to allow her to leave her post, but if anyone can talk her into leaving, it’s Jane. He would go over there and talk to them, but he doesn’t want to overcrowd her, have her freak out as she is liable to when ill. Instead, he just observes them with interest, as do the younger two agents. When Lisbon’s shoulders sag in defeat and she gives Jane a small nod, he feels vindicated.

Though she’s agreed to this, Lisbon can’t help but scowl at Jane, the manipulative bastard that he is. It’s not her fault that she gave in so easily; her head is all over the place and those damn flashing lights are particularly distracting. Stupid headaches. Stupid migraines too, for that matter. It doesn’t help that the nurse had told her to cut out every woman’s favorite comfort food, chocolate, too. In situations like this, one of the first things she’d usually head for is a bar of the delicious candy, but now she can’t, because she needs to try and work out what triggers the migraines. And if anyone even suggests stress… She shook her head as Jane smiles at her, looking thoroughly pleased with himself.

Tentatively, she unlocks the door to her home and allows Jane to follow her inside. He remains by her side, but Lisbon can tell that he’s looking around with interest, absorbing all the differences from when he was last here. She’s unpacked a couple more boxes since then, but that’s about it. With a job as busy as hers, free time is a premium and she certainly isn’t going to spend unnecessary time making a house homely when she can be catching up on sleep or something. After a couple of minutes, Jane suddenly seems to remember why they’re there and sends her upstairs, to bed and promises to bring her up a cup of decaffeinated tea.

As if tea is a cure-all for everything.

Still, she complies, something which he is somewhat surprised about. He hates seeing his Lisbon so devoid of spirit, but she’s ill so it’s understandable. As he familiarizes himself with her kitchen, he’s pleased that he took the rest of the day off too. Sure, he’ll go back to work if a new case crops up, but if there’s nothing he needs to do, he’d rather be here, with Lisbon. Taking care of her as a good friend should. Quietly, with two cups of tea in hand, he pads upstairs, taking care not to spill either. When he pushes open the door, a small smile creeps across his face.

She’s already fallen asleep.


To part five

character: teresa lisbon, tv: the mentalist, fanfic, character: patrick jane, pairing: jane/lisbon

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