FIC: One-Way Mirror (1/1)

Jan 17, 2010 12:31

Title: One-Way Mirror
Author: tromana
Rating: T
Characters: Jane/Lisbon
Disclaimer: Unless I’m Bruno Heller having an identity crisis, it’s not mine.
Summary: Oh God. She’s (not) sleeping in the same room as a man she doesn’t know.
Notes: Written for chizuru-chibi, who gave me the prompt: shiver. Jello-Forever January Challenge: new beginnings

One-Way Mirror

She stares at him.

Just staring, because she doesn’t have anything better to do, not right now.

The other person in this room is dozing and has been for a good hour or so now, so she watches as the moon casts shadows over his features,

When she found herself caught up in that typical clichéd moment, two co-workers, with purely platonic feelings for one another (or so she tells herself, at any rate), forced to share the last empty room in a motel, she hadn’t been sure whether or not she wanted to laugh or cry. That kind of thing can be terribly uncomfortable, even if the room is a twin rather than the potentially unfortunate situation of sharing a double, as you suddenly become aware of just how much, or rather, how little you know about those you work with. There’s plenty of other things she could be thinking about. The case, her brother’s wedding anniversary next week, hell even the scratchy sheets which are preventing her from settling down tonight. But no, Teresa Lisbon has to focus on the individual who is sleeping in the other bed.

And that individual just has to be Patrick Jane.

It’s ironic really, that the insomniac is the one sleeping while she, who has never had any problem sleeping anywhere, is the one spending the small hours of the night laying wide awake and wishing that sleep would take over her mind and body. There’s no logical reason for it, nothing is different to her usual sleeping arrangements. Apart from the presence of Jane, of course. But she knows him, or, at the very least, she knows the mask that he wears. He isn’t about to attack her in the dead of the night or try and seduce her while she’s in such a state of disarray. At least, she doesn’t think he will.

Because, if she’s honest with herself, just what does she know about the man beneath the mask?




Oh God. She’s (not) sleeping in the same room as a man she doesn’t know.

That thought is enough to send an involuntary shiver down her spine. And not because she’s freezing cold.

She doesn’t know whether she wants to fall into a tense sleep, because otherwise she’s going to be in an awful mood tomorrow or just stay awake and keep him in check. Briefly, she considers double checking that there’s definitely no free rooms at reception now it’s the dead of night or even sleeping in the van. Of course, the alternative is to get him to get him to wake up so they can discuss these issues again.

That’s cruel though; she knows how precious sleep is to him and the fact that he’s dozing now is a miracle in itself.

She continues to stare intently at him, knowing full well that this is a rare opportunity for her to observe him without giving away absolutely everything about herself.

He called her translucent once.

Not transparent, translucent.

There’s a fine difference and Jane is always so very specific with the way he phrases things.

Transparency means you can see straight through something, like clear glass. Translucency, however, means there’s some level of obscurity, nothing is quite as clear cut.

Like a one-way mirror.

For a one-way mirror isn’t literally a mirror one way and glass the other. There’s a fine layer of reflective molecules painted over it and whether or not you can see through it is determined by the lighting of the room. The brightly-lit room reflects the molecules and thus, the glass appears to be a mirror. The darkened room does not so that they can see through it with ease.

Very useful for their interrogation rooms, though most criminals are at least somewhat aware that there is somebody behind the ‘mirror’ these days.

She decides that there’s a one way mirror between herself and Jane. The consultant is darkly lit, mysterious and he can see straight through the mirror and right into her very soul as and when he chooses to. She’s so brightly lit and doesn’t know how to control it that she can’t see through the figurative mirror and into Jane. He’s unfathomable to her and there’s been many an occasion when she just wishes that she can turn on the light inside him so that she can understand him. Partially, because then it would be easier to understand him for work purposes.

Mainly, because she finds him so damn frustration and anything which shines a light on Patrick Jane and his motives is beneficial in Lisbon’s eyes.

And however annoying she finds that, it’s nothing compared to the irritation she feels when Jane has the ability to take one look at her and understand everything about her. Even though he’s been commenting on her personality and quirks for so long now but still, it drives her absolutely mad. A girl deserves some secrets, after all.

Doesn’t she?

Perhaps it’d be wise to start again when approaching the capricious consultant? Not exactly a new beginning, per se, more a stop and refresh. Just something to get them back onto a more an equal footing.

Maybe by protecting herself, being more guarded, he’ll open up to her just that little bit more?

Dim the light on her side of the one-way mirror so it reacts just like glass instead for her too…


fandom: forum challenges, character: teresa lisbon, tv: the mentalist, fanfic, character: patrick jane, pairing: jane/lisbon

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