Order is Restored

May 16, 2008 22:30

I called Pierce Ink after they opened today, after talking to the friend who originally pierced me and they urged me not to wait to get this fixed. I knew of Pierce Ink because a local BDSM group used to hold classes there and I know several folks in the south bay who speak very highly of them.

I went in after work, ring in a plastic baggie. I didn't have to wait very long, and they didn't even need me to make an appointment. Upon having a look the piercer said that if I'd waited another day this would probably have required repiercing. As it was it was fairly painful; the taper is basically a needle and forced it's way through the inflamed (and thus sensitive) bits to reopen the piercing to rethread the ring.

The big difference this time was that instead of having a lovely warm-up with from a wonderful dominant man and being strapped in, I basically sat on a bench opened my legs and was told to "just breath through it." (and then quickly after "but don't hyperventilate!" heh) Don't get me wrong... she did an excellent job of it. It just wasn't the same.

The hardest part came almost immediately after. Being Friday, I was also headed to the Friday Munch (Southern Cross) in Campbell. The pain started to hit as soon as I sat down in the car and started off. Pain I can deal with... but this was intense. I'd failed to wear loose fitting underwear, not thinking ahead to the tenderness that would occur after rethreading the ring. When the endorphins hit, I worked to stay hyperaware of traffic... I wondered if going was the right thing.

Upon parking and standing up, the next big hurdle was walking without wanting to cry out -- I'm one of those people who process pain through sound a lot. :) I SMS'ed a good friend (who was going to be at the munch) that "my cock is on fire!" I broke out in tears of laughter when she replied, "So put it out!" hahaha

I did ultimately make to the munch -- not too many people showed tonight -- and rode the pain and endorphins (but not alone or in silence!) for about an hour or so. Then it finally subsided and worked it's way into easily manageable territory again. A non-masochist might well have been curled into fetal position, but the shakes stopped and I was OK.

The munch was quite delightful. I so adore the folks there and am extremely honored to be considered family by at least some of them.

pain processing, pierce ink, southern cross, munch, body modification, piercing

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