Aspects of BSDM, Poly, LGBT Lifestyles Going Mainstream?

Apr 21, 2012 00:16

The April 20 edition of the 20/20 show on ABC was very exciting for me. It's not often that we get a sensible treatment of what are usually topics we hear only about on the likes of Fox "News" or other "conservative" outlets, groaning and bemoaning the fall of "family values" and the American way of life -- however it is they choose to define this ( Read more... )

political, gay, open relationship, family, submission, bdsm

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trollup April 21 2012, 09:24:26 UTC
I do agree that children should not be oversexualized -- or any aspect of our lives and relationships for that matter. I think that one of the parents in the segment actually made the point that their children's desire to know only went so far, and that they really weren't interested in knowing what happened on 'sleepovers' any more than children might normally want to know about their parents' sex lives.

As with all relationships, different things bind different folks together. Some are perhaps more tenuous than others, but we learn to accept them for what they are and not what they should be or what we hope they could be. So sometimes it's just at munches or play parties. Some start there and become more. It's not really any different, I don't think, than most relationship contexts... well, maybe escept for the screaming. hehe

But it's usually those who seek to vilify us who try to overemphasize just one particular aspect of our lives. And it exposes their narrow-mindedness even as much as their assertion that all our lives need to fit inside these neat little boxes that some mythical being decided thousands of years ago. (sigh) Sad little creatures... There should be a rescue where such malcontents can be nursed back to full adulthood and released back into the wild.


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