Munch & Movie

Jul 25, 2008 22:30

Tonight's SX munch was on the small side, but we still managed a good balance of conversation and fun (I think). We finally selected to see X-Files since we generally agreed it was one we probably wouldn't go see on our own. Well, after seeing it i think we all decided that we'd like to expunge that memory and warn everyone we care about NOT to flush their time down the toilet by going see this themselves.

Things I liked:

  • Mulder in a beard... WOOF!
  • Nice touches of X-Files history... but they blew the wad almost entirely at the beginning of the movie. So typically male.
  • The three musketeers were back... big WOOF to daddy!
  • A love so strong that even body death couldn't separate them.
  • The dogs... WAY COOL
  • When the movie stopped.
  • Having kinky friends there to totally spank the hell out of this farce even as it was playing.

Things I hated:

  • Mulder, shaving.... *cry*
  • WHY does Hollywood insist that all gay characters have to be complete psychopaths!?
  • What in God's name was the deal with going to tropical waters for the closing credits after almost the entire movie was shot in tundra!?
  • Too much sappy chick appeal -- stupid uncharacteristic love scenes
  • Reminded me of a lost episode that should have stayed lost.
  • Absolutely no continuity with previous movie NOR any real linkage to X-Files mythology.

otter, torture, political, writer's block, marriage, munch, ethics, dedicated, gay, twisted, psychology, body modification

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