Human Vector Control?

Jul 09, 2008 15:08

What kind of freakin farm animals are we? I'm washing my hands in the men's room at work and someone's phone starts to ring. Rather than let it ring, the fine gentleman at the urinal answers it (one handed, oooh). As he backs away, it automatically flushes (had to hear that on the other end... charming). He then actually walks up to a sink and turns on the water -- salvation? He momentarily dabs his free hand (yes he has begun his extremely important conversation with some shop owner calling him back) and then turns the water off. It wasn't even wet enough that he felt the need to grab a paper towel and dry it.

Makes my freakin' skin crawl. Some people should come with CDC warning labels and biohazard symbols tattooed on their foreheads.

stupid human tricks

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