Jun 21, 2008 00:42
For those of you who missed this evening's earlier update and don't read beyond the first few posts, these were two of the last parting statements.
Him (17:34): Rather than frustrate you further, let's chalk it up to two really good people with differing and unfortunately clashing degrees of motivation. No fault.
Him (17:38): No hard feelings I hope.
Then, while AT THE MUNCH, I start getting IMs. At first it was my friend Karen looking to hang out -- which we did later and had a nice time. But then, I found myself curious to be getting IM's from K -- this only a few hours after the notes above. Did I somehow misunderstand his comments? So of course, I just /had/ to read the message.
Him : handsome man, you are still in my thoughts.
Me : really? I'm surprised after the sms...
Him : I am not uncaring, you know.
Him : we can still communicate, can't we?
Now what the hell am I supposed to say to that? Here I had let myself build up romantic thoughts about this person -- probably stupid on my part -- and mere hours after killing any opportunity for developing anything I get this? I said basically what I needed to to placate the situation and send him along. No, gentle readers, I do not intend to engage this man further. I think it would simply be a waste of both our time.
idiot parade,