More Dating Pursuit from This Week

Jun 16, 2008 01:12

OK. I've been a bad little introvert -- spank me, please! I've been posting stuff privately and now it's time to put something out there in the public view. I'm lusting after K, and want to meet, date, and get to know him. Yeah, I enjoy the idea of us ripping each other apart in blissful passion, too... but I want it to be something deeper as well. The hard part is not letting the idea turn into an expectation. *tick* *tick* *tick* My lusty heart clock ticks away, and I still really want to meet this man. :)


This happened while I was attending the Teledildonics class. I usually try not to mix chat with live events, but I feel this need to chat with K whenever the opportunity becomes available. Am I smitten?

Me  : showed my friend S your pics on bear411 today. she remark "jesus... what're you waiting for?!" hehe
Him : wow.  tell hi I said she is way too nice.  how are you, handsome?
Him : Just checked out your guestbook entry again.  FUCK  you are adorable!
Me  : well, let's do sumthin about it :D
Him : we're going to make mad puppy love once we have a couple of dates.
Me  : le pant... le sigh :)
Me  : I'm kind of horny now heheh >:-)
Him : God knows I want to hold you down and enter you in at least two ways.
Him : but that will have to wait.
Me  : patience.... *sigh* :) want to meet you :) :)
Him : thank you, handsome.  did you like my visual anyway?
Me  : visual?
Him : I promise I will one day restrain you and feed you various things.
Me  : squee! :)
Him : yeah, piggy!
Him : pretty pretty piggy.
Me  : oink oink :)
Him : you've got me all hard all of a sudden.
Him : must take care of myself before going out.
Me  : oh my
Me  : want to get to point *I* can do that for you ;-)
Him : I know, save it for you.
Me  : no... it might be a little while
Me  : no blue balls;-)
Him : all right, hunky.  gonna say gnite now.  have a good evening!  Tell S I love her already.


Yeah, this was *during* the SX munch. I just don't like to miss times to chat with the darling. He's seems not to be a night owl from what I can tell. And, yes, I did choose the words "hanging out" -- which isn't completely false, but not entirely accurate either -- and exposed by his assumption I was hanging out "at home". I'll correct that later... it was getting difficult to stay engaged in conversation on both sides, but I *so* want to go see him. Soon, soon...

Me  : hey furry *hug* :-*
Him : Hey, sexy,  What are you up to tonight?
Me  : not much... just hangin' out :)
Me  : you?
Him : yeah, same here.  going to see friends later.  so tired...
Him : how is your knee?
Me  : better but still hobbling
Me  : sounds like you could use a good back rub *rub*
Him : awe.  yes, I probably could, but a handsome bearded man in his underwear.
Him : Oh, don't worry, they would come off after a little teasing with my mouth and tongue.  I'd just make you hard and ready to cum in your underwear before pulling them off.
Me  : oic :) :)
Him : sound okay?
Me  : oh sorry... you couldn't see the evil smile :)
Me  : hehehe yes it's fine :)
Me  : *rub*
Him : Lick lick lick
Me  : *nibble*
Me  : grrrrr
Him : bite, whoops, sorry...not!
Me  : why not? :)
Me  : but we could work up to that ;-)
Him : time to probe with my tongue...
Me  : mmmmm
Him : wherever you ask me to put it...
Him : preferably down your throat.
Me  : ummmm.... yes :D
Me  : oh man.... *sigh*
Me  : *lustfull sigh*
Him : but I'm reasonably flexible.
Him : love a mouthful of soft nuts.
Me  : we can figure that out as we go. I'm totally happy to share what I've done, but never to intentionally shock :)
Me  : oh... me too :)
Me  : have I not told you about my oral fixation? ;-)
Him : yes.
Him : how far does your fixation extend?
Him : just to cocks and nuts?
Me  : more :)
Him : mmmmm
Me  : ears, nipples, neck, ass
Me  : toes
Me  : fingers
Him : I would love your tongue anywhere.
Me  : :D
Me  : easy to fix.... but we so need to meet.... *sigh*
Him : we must meet in order to meat.
Me  : yup :.d
Me  : :D
Him : Okay, time for my shower...preferably cold now.
Me  : :D awww *hug* well, have fun with your friends....
Him : thanks.  have fun being naked!
Me  : :D thanks :-*
Him : smooch and lick


*sigh* I thought that today was the day K would be going to SJ pride, but I guess the festival is actually tomorrow. I even gave a thought of giving him a quick ring on the phone -- we haven't actually talked on the phone just yet -- and saying "hi" while he was out and about. I may yet do that tomorrow, but I'm running out of time today to get ready and stuff and go to a private party. So.... I took my IM time and enjoyed it instead. :D

Me  : how interesting... I was just thinking of you as I write a blog post here. :D
Him : how are you, handsome?   Blogging away?
Him : I'm sorry.  June is just a hectic month for me.  I do want to meet you.
Me  : no worries. I got invited to a private bdsm pool/play party.
Him : cool.  what is bdsm?
Me  : bdsm.. sometimes referred to just as sm.... is an acronym for a wide range of kink.  BD - bondage/discipline, DS - domination/submission, SM - sadism/masochism
Me  : several spectrums and buckets
Me  : it's an all-inclusive term like LGBT
Him : wow.  I feel so vanilla right now  :-)
Me  : *chuckle* but that you understand what vanilla is says something :)
Me  : and we all have our vanilla moments... in fact, most of mine are.
Me  : hence my squee in an earlier blog posting that "he" (you) gets it. ;-)
Me  : as in understands, if not actually being interested in it ;-)
Me  : which sort of gets me to my thoughts going into the blog post today
Me  : I've heard people say that this or that part of them tends to filter out the rest over time... and I can't imagine *not* being all of vanilla, gay, bear, kinky, etc. it can be hard balancing time between all the friends, etc... but variety is the spice of life :)
Him : I'm going to spend the next half-hour reading more about you again.  YOU should be getting out in the sun and playing because soon you will be monogamously inclined.
Me  : I'm already monogamously /inclined/.... /attached/ is another  matter ;-)
Me  : I had a most naughty dream about you last night too. I don't think I'll blog about that though. I'd have to mark it private. hehehe
Him : I can't wait until the first time we are attached...:-)
Me  : :)
Him : I love all your dog pics, man.
Me  : I add icons as the mood strikes. The bull terrier was added and first used specifically for this post :)
Him : very cool. I kind of like the anonymous-yet-voyeuristic nature of our discussions on the blog so far.
Me  : Well, I work at trying not to put anything revealing in and yet still get the idea across.
Me  : glad you approve though :)
Him : what will you be wearing to start out with?
Me  : just t-shirt and shorts (my usual), and maybe boots and leather vest for bdsm theme
Me  : like that one picture of me in the collar and leash on bear411
Him : I will be in camo pants and a leather vest tomorrow at Pride.
Me  : mmmmmm :)
Him : I'll be wearing the kilt and vest in SF
Me  : I did three at folsom last year
Him : Always happy to oblige a kilt-check from the back
Him : alll right, babe, I'm going to log off now. thanks for brightening my day. Miss you already and the tiniest bit jealous that others will have their hands on little Bill today although my opportunity is fast approaching -- I promise you that.
Him : be safe
Me  : *innocent look* me? :) ;)
Him : yeah, right. I wasn't born yesterday, but you are just soooooo irresistable.
Me  : *blush*
Him : funny, my penis blushed as well just now
Me  : *lick*
Him : bye babe
Me  : bye bye *smooch*


I was getting a slow start to the day, having gotten home at about 1:30am and then not being able to sleep until 5:30am (amped from the fun I had). As I finally got myself up and running, I decided I'd try and give K a quick call to say "hey" and checking to see if he was having fun at the festival. We'd exchanged phone numbers almost from the start but we've still not talked live. My call rolled over to voicemail, but OMG... that deep voice instantly brought a smile to my face. I was a bit flustered when I started squeaking out my message. I do hope I sounded halfway coherent. :)

I learned later when calling mom, to catch up on something, that my employer's name was coming up in caller ID. Holy crap. Idiots. Do they really want every employee who has a cell phone -- mine was my own, but I transitioned it to remain within their reimbursment policy -- to be identified by their name even when the usage is mixed business/personal? I think not! I called tonight to get the provider to change the caller ID label for my number. *sigh*

And, no, I didn't hear back from K. But I'm not gonna fret. I know we'll talk again soon...

im, dating

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