Boy, they're gonna sell what tomorrow needs...

Nov 22, 2010 04:46

So, living in a small town in the winter caught up with me. We're snowed in. Driving conditions to Billings are severe and if the snow doesn't let up... the interstate could be closed until the weather improves and the state gets the roads cleared.

Which means... no new My Chem album for yours truly indefinately. Cuz I swear we live in the snowiest part of Montana ever and things getting back to a condition where I'd feel safe driving... not gonna happen for a while! :(

Granted, we have a Wal-hell but who wants an edited version?

I'm hoping to scavenge a ripped copy off someone's LJ today or so... so far all I've seen is The Mad Gear and Missile Kid EP stuff. ...nevermind! :D

BTW... shadow_hive is awesome. I've got my ears surrounded in Danger Days right now!!!

killjoys, danger days, mcr, music

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