...it's been kind of a let down.
bandombigbang feels more like
bandombigbust... :(
Firstly, it's like 90% Ryan Ross/whomever.
Secondly, some of the entries barely look edited. We edited the hell out of ours.
Thirdly, and worst of all, we've gotten 76 views of our story, 2 delicious saves, and a total of two comments. Said two commenters are both not even Fall Out Boy fans and read the story purely out of friendship.
Seriously, why bother sharing our writing with the fanfic community if no one comments... doesn't that imply that it isn't well liked or received?
I'd rather just RP for fun and never worry about another edit or deadline for any of it ever again. Really, where's the inspiration suppose to come?
Shutting up now, cuz I just sound like a butt-hurt whiney bitch...