Title: Theatre of Anatomy Genre: Semi-original Category: WIP; drive by Pairing: Unnamed Rating: NC-17 due to graphic nature... Summary: Glimpses of what Ludo's The Horror of Our Love inspires in my mind...
macabre, you say? am i weird if i don't think it is? O.o... it's a borderline sick mind but not macabre (not like the lyrics - just checked them out) i really don't know how in such few words you can make me feel like i'm totally inside the scene, inside the narrator's head, i really don't, but fuck i love that about your writing! especially the paragraph about the other person's body is... wow. yeah, i can't find any better way to put it.
it kinda reminds me of she wants revenge's 'tear you apart'. (which just so happens to be one of my favourite songs)
Comments 4
i really don't know how in such few words you can make me feel like i'm totally inside the scene, inside the narrator's head, i really don't, but fuck i love that about your writing!
especially the paragraph about the other person's body is... wow. yeah, i can't find any better way to put it.
it kinda reminds me of she wants revenge's 'tear you apart'. (which just so happens to be one of my favourite songs)
I like it so far.
You need to keep writingggg!!!
I wish I could find this muse again...
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