I have been tagged

Mar 08, 2007 13:00

Well damn I don't even know how I got tagged but darn you dustbunnygirl!

Explain the meaning of your user name in your journal. Then tag a few of your friends to do the same. You can't tag the same person twice.

Mine Currently has no logic behind it, no excitement, no mystery, no nothing.

Once upon a moonlight hour I was known as MCFadeout beccause I couldn't think of a damn name, then I was Dubbed MCVYO, My Initials plus Very Young One as I was the youngest in a chat room I frequented for Highlander. Then I became a member of the Clan McTroll and became Trollander, then Trollheart, then Trollie... yeah I could never stick with a name, I suck :) On hockey sites I was known as Hockeylander or just HL.

Then one day I joined this crazy thing called Myspace and became Mickeydoo... because I just couldn't think of a damn name and hockeylander was amazngly taken. Then I decided to join Live Journal as a means to keep in touch with people that weren't on myspace (which is what I joined myspace for) and amazngly mickeydoo was taken. So i became Trolliedoo since most of the people I would "see" on LJ would be from my old Highlander days.

And thus Trolliedoo is born in its lameness.

I don't know how many people actually read my LJ, and I hardly have any friends on it anyway, but I here by tag:


and uh... shot I only have a couple friends left that haven't done this so I guess wenchamok you're the weiner.... er winner. (oh yeah and I have no idea how to imbed the persons names and don't feel like doing HTML)
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