Mar 02, 2009 12:16

because i promised myself that this was the closure.
this was going to be my goodbye.
this was going to be my new begining.

because im always the one running to you.
this was my last chance.
this was my last pitch.

because i deserve better.
because you deserve better.

we're both perfect.
but not for eachother.

because i forgot how much you make me smile.
this was harder than i thought.
this was a bad time.

because we're always going to fight.
because we both know its not us.
its the situation.

there is nothing more frustrating than failing.
than wanting something you cant have.
than having something you cant have.
than losing something you cant have.

because i have the strength to disregard your feelings.
because i think i have the strength to disregard your feelings.
because i pray i have the strength to disregard your feelings.

you never show them.
you never talk about them.

do you even feel them.
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