Coconut Palm

Feb 03, 2011 02:46

((Please note that I pick and choose which mechanics to include or exclude in my writing. For example other locations may be included with regards to where things grow, despite this not being so in game or I may include a property of a plant not seen in the game. Also, certain things may not be included because they are simply not a concern for my Troll. So, please, all you folks out there keep in mind that this is written completely in character and may or may not reflect entirely what is seen in game.))

A tall palm tree that bears coconuts.

You can find these trees on hot desert coastlines, oases, lining rivers in warmer regions and of course, in the jungles. The trunk can vary in size and shape from tree to tree. Generally though, they are tall and thin with an explosion of leaves at the top. A thick trunk base usually means the tree is quite aged. Occasionally a small crown will form at the top of the trunk for reasons unknown and it has no special properties. When uprooted, the roots appears to be a large bulb, but it is really a very dense collection of thinner strands. It is said that this density helps the roots hold water and to firmly grip the land on which it stands. Due to the sturdy trunk, it is often used for building walls and also as support beams in large structures.

As the name suggests, the coconut palm is the tree from which coconuts grow. As such, it is quite popular. The main reason being the coconuts themselves. They are very versatile. The nut's shell can be dried out, treated and used to make bowls, helmets and projectiles among other things. Some inventive Trolls have even made wind instruments from the nutshell, which is admittedly one of my favourite uses for it.

The water (or juice, depending on who you're speaking to) is known to increase strength. Please note that it is a good idea to cut the nut down straight from the tree rather than drinking a fallen nut. It won't kill you, but you do risk getting a slight stomach ache because fallen nuts are potentially rotten inside. The white meat on the inner wall of the nut is sweet and is perfect for either a meal or dessert (again... no fallen nuts). Using the meat, you can make coconut milk. which can be used as a cooking base, fermented into alcohol or even used to settle a stomach. The coconut, like its Zul's Palm cousin, can be used to make oil (from both the nut itself and the milk). The oil from the nut is excellent for frying foods. Whereas the oil from the milk is typically used as a moisturizer and softener.

One practice that is sadly not as widespread as it once was, is the use of the coconut as Legba's ward. You take a coconut and roll it into your home touching the door frame. Of course, prior to this, you prayed to Legba to imbue the coconut with a little of his spirit. You roll it against the walls all the way around until you go out the other side of the door (in the left, out the right or vice versa). Then place the coconut (now dubbed Obi) outside your home, preferably in a somewhat obscured position but still visible from the door. This helps keep evil spirits away.

A Bloodscalp witch doctor who fled during the Atal'ai-Hakkari invasion of Stranglethorn sang me a song as we waited for passage from Grom'gol to Durotar.

Coconut water,
Smooth as silk!
It's good for your soul,
And so is the milk!

It went on for quite some time, but I'm sure you get the gist.

coconut palm, herbalism book, mel'lodi

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