
Nov 14, 2022 11:58

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mama_dragnfly November 18 2008, 21:45:41 UTC
and who be youuuu...

askes the crazy girl you added who doesn't know you...


hehehehe troll_speak November 19 2008, 00:03:18 UTC
That has to be one of my fav book turned cartoon characters ever. Always been a fan of the Chesire Cat, heheheh. (including the more 'gothic' version in America Macgee(sp) ALice)

Okies, now on to the point I guess. I found you off Agonybliss's journal. I am a writter and cartoonist who likes to add people he finds interesting, intriguing or inspiring due to work they do, work they are in or just the way they are or the life they lead in general. Even there there was not much to see on your LJ there was something about it and the fact that we 'share' a lj friend who has inspired me in several ways, that made me think, "This is a person who is intrguing and potentially inspiring." so I added you.

Now the troll part of my name makes people I add think I am a lj troller or something like that. This is not true. The Troll is my nickname due to physical appearance, lol.

So, um yeah, that is about it I guess, lol.

Have a look at my journal and if ya think my strange work or boring life is something you might find iteresting, i hope ya add me back. If not, that is no problem. Sorry i did not comment when i added you. I was working on some new tales and updating some other things at the same time and forgot to, lol.

The Troll

Lawrence Cottam


Re: hehehehe mama_dragnfly November 19 2008, 01:15:30 UTC
Prepare yourself for the emo chick whining that comes with being on a girls LJ friend's only page that consists of a 98% female only viewing audience...just thought I'd toss the disclaimer out there ;)


Re: hehehehe troll_speak November 19 2008, 03:33:21 UTC
Forewarned is forarmed they say, though I have not met many people with the four arms so I guess they were not forewarned, hehehe.

Brace yourself for the mundane life and endless ramblings of an untanlented writter and doodler of weirdness, hehehe.

that is the formalities out of the way at least.

the troll


Re: hehehehe mama_dragnfly November 29 2008, 06:34:56 UTC
I see how it is I add you and you don't add me back...DORK!


Re: hehehehe troll_speak November 29 2008, 08:54:55 UTC
I have ya added already, lol.

the trolll


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