25 things about me

Feb 27, 2009 15:44

I guess this has been going around...so I guess I'll give it a shot.  25 facts about me...Enjoy:
  1. In the 3rd grade, I wanted to be an Optometrist.  I guess so that I could prescribe my own glasses / contacts.
  2. I'm very socially awkward and am always worried about what other people are judging thinking about me.
  3. Two of my wisdom teeth were coming in sideways...quite literally.  My oral surgeon said that if they were allowed to grow out, they would have knocked like two of my teeth out with them.
  4. I have never once broken a bone *knocks on wood*
  5. I used to play the violin, piano, and the clarinet.  Now all I play is Rock Band on my Xbox 360.
  6. I used to go to Chinese school as a kid on weekends and summers.  I hated it.  Now, about 10 years after I quit Chinese school, I am taking night-time Chinese classes at a local community college and loving it.
  7. I don't drink.  I don't smoke.  I don't do drugs.  All personal decisions I've made because I like who I am.
  8. I rarely take medication when sick or in pain.  When I was younger and had a fever...my mother's solution was to wrap me in blankets and for me to sweat it out.  It actually works very well.
  9. I didn't miss a day of school from 1st grade all the way thru 8th grade.  I just was never sick.  Then, after being recognized for perfect attendance 8 straight years, I promptly got sick in the 9th grade and missed a day of school.  That's karma...
  10. I have a favorite grey sweatshirt that I wear practically every single day.  I like it because the strings are soft and fun to play with...and greatly remind me of my Chilly Willy stuffy that I had all thru my childhood.  The strings feel much like Chilly Willy's hat when I rub them against my nose.
  11. My greatest fears are heights and falling.  Needless to say, I hate roller coasters.
  12. When I was a kid, I visited the Statue of Liberty with my family.  The only memory I have of it was how absolutely terrified I was climbing up the narrow spiral staircase as it got higher and higher.  I could not go back down as I started to get scared of the height because of the people behind us in line...so I had no choice but to proceed clutching for dear life to the railing and my parents.  Going back down the other staircase was even worse as I was forced to look down.
  13. I love chick flicks.  Hitch, Music and Lyrics, etc...I'm in =).
  14. I love rewatching movies and TV shows.  I love rereading books.  I love replaying video games.  Something about knowing what's coming is comforting to me.  As long as the movie/show/book/game is great, I'll happily do it all over again.
  15. I used to do everything any anything my brother did...only because my brother did it.  I emulated his life.  It wasn't until I reached High School that I embraced that I am my own person.
  16. I am generally much more comfortable talking to someone online than I am in person or on the phone.  I never know what to say in person.  Goes somewhat along with #2
  17. I talk in my sleep.  Thankfully I don't walk in my sleep =P.
  18. I almost never drink soda anymore.  Just a couple years ago, I was drinking soda constantly.  Especially Orange Soda.  Then, in Texas, I got too dehydrated drinking soda all the time, so I switched over to Apple Juice.  Now, I drink almost exclusively water with sporadic soda and juice depending on my mood.
  19. I love cheese.  Absolutely love it.  If you sat me down with one of those cheese cube platters, I'd probably live off of it for days.  (Side note: I am eating a cheese danish right now)
  20. In Writ-140 at USC, I progressively got worse at writing as the semester went on.  I watched my essay grades drop starting with a B, then I got a B-, to a C+, to a C before minimally getting better at writing with my last paper getting a C+.  I hope my blog writing isn't getting worse over time too...
  21. As hard as I have ever tried, I have never gotten straight A's in my lifetime of schooling.  Although I am very proud of reaching Deans List at USC...still could never get that ever so elusive 4.0 even when taking only classes within my major/minor (classes that I like).
  22. My very first AIM name was Pikachu64.  That was back in middle school.  It became r0cksb0tt0m in High School (since The Rock was amazing).  Ever since I started college, it has been TrojanWade; at least until I make another one.
  23. I have OCD with my chin hairs.  Sometimes, for whatever reason, one of the suckers will bug me and I'll pick at it.  Usually I can get them with just my fingers, but every once in a while, there's one that's too short and I'll end up picking at it all day long...finally getting it long past when I've scratched my skin off of that area.  Thankfully, my girlfriend got me a pair of tweezers for my work desk.
  24. I daydream constantly.  Whether it be me with super powers, how awesome it would be to be a Jedi, being a star football player, or just re-imagining my day.  Maybe this is the reason for #25.
  25. It took me 2 weeks to come up with 25 (somewhat meaningful) things about myself.
Anything on the list strike a chord with you?
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