Another Post From LISTEN TO ME!!!

Apr 01, 2010 09:57

As a conservative I say it's about GOD D&$% time the good for nothing WIMPS got out of our party. Of course I love telling PEOPLE WHAT TO DO but not when those things somehow turn around on me! That's when I claim PERSONAL FREEDOMS!

Sure you guys are good when it comes to HATING ON THE GAYS or covering your mouths in duct tape and throwing PIG'S BLOOD on an Abortion doctor. But the rest of the time you NUT JOBS need to keep your wacky to yourselves!!

I mean have any of you TRUE CONSERVATIVES even read the bible recently? Throwing the Moneychangers out of the Temple, The Prodigal Son, turning 6 loves of bread into food for 6 thousand! It's easier for a camel to get through the eye of a Needle than a RICH MAN TO GET INTO HEAVEN!?! It's like some kind of BERKLEY COMMUNE IN THERE!

Plus what's up with Jesus going into leper colonies and curing people for free? That's worse than socialized health care...that's FREE HEALTH CARE!!!

And since when does bible say we can't go to LESBIAN BONDAGE CLUBS? I mean what the hell do EVANGELICALS expect us to do on Saturday Afternoons when our WIVES ARE AT BRIDGE? I've read my bible over twice since this scandal broke and I can't find a single reference to it. That sounds suspiciously like RELIGIOUS ACTIVISM to me! I don't like it in my Supreme Courts and I don't like it in my PREACHING NEITHER.

So TONY PERKINS you think you can threaten me with your whole 'I'm gonna tell my congregation to leave the RNC?' Well you can take your Poor Lovin', Prostitute Forgivin', Death Penalty Opposin', Free Health Care Givin', Treat Your Neighbor As Yourself Preachn', Hippy Jesus OVER TO THE DNC WHERE IT BELONGS!!!

If you care to take a look at the article here it is:

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