
Jul 20, 2008 23:10

someone is messing with phone calls and text messages, causing fights and anger and confusion between my friends and i have no idea what's going on. whoever this is, you're obviously a contact of mine, so please call me or email me or text.

i honestly feel physically sick because i cant deal with stress like this.

whoever you are, be a fucking man and own up to this. why fuck with my life, with my friends lives, their mental and physical health? youve made 1 friend ill by making his blood sugar skyrocket and give him chest pains and dizzyness; youve made another friend hate me and thinks that the other friend is behind all this, when it's not; youre most likely the same person who put two other friends through something very similar;  youve made me stressed out having to deal with all this when i have to be up early for work tomorrow, i have school, and a test too.

maybe youre getting a sick pleasure out of this but man, wtf, and why?

i guess there are ways to hack phones and send messages/calls from a phone and make it seem as if they come from another phone. does anybody know how to trace stuff like this?
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