Meme : 5 Questions

Feb 17, 2007 00:18

The rules of the meme (as explained by fierceflawless):

1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better ! If I already know you well, expect the questions may be a little more intimate!
3. You WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions

And now, the questions from her.

1.) what's the one thing you'll miss most if you give up stage managing?

Probably the sense of community that I get from being involved in productions. The gathering together to make a thing, everyone pushing towards something. I also get a lot from being in Invisible Hero - a term an ex used to describe how I place myself in most situations. The guy who's quiet, in the background, and just taking care of business without making a big deal out of it. Ready at a moment's notice to just jump up and deal with whatever problems arise. That feeling... that I'd miss.

2.) you've been (excuse the pun) committedly poly for awhile now - could you ever see yourself married or in a monogamous relationship?

I can see myself married, yes. That's probably because I don't think being married and being poly are mutually exclusive. I can also see myself in a monogamous relationship. Being poly works for me right now, in the same way that being straightedge works for me right now. Either of those things could change, I don't discount that idea.

3.) 1 ice cream flavour for the rest of your life - what is it?

Vanilla. You can add SO many different things to vanilla ice cream to make it a whole other dessert.

4.) what do you think of all the people who claimed they were just going to move to canada after bush was elected/re-elected? do you think they would be happier there?

I'd be curious to know how many Americans actually did move up here, after either of the elections. In terms of their happiness, it would depend a lot on where they're moving from in the US, and where they're moving to, in Canada. I'm friends with a couple of Canadians who are moving down to the States... I don't think there's a Promised Land on either side of the border. It all depends on what you're looking for, and what you're expecting. I think our free health care would benefit quite a few Americans. As would our liberal pot laws & same sex marriages. And I don't think there's anywhere in Canada it's illegal to sell sex toys.

5.) name one item of clothing you name that isn't black.

I think you meant own that isn't black. Um. Okay. Um. I have a dark green dress shirt. Brown pants - two pairs of brown pants, actually. A dark chocolate pair and a lighter brown pair. A white dress shirt... okay that's more than one, but you get the idea. My wardrobe isn't totally monochromatic. Just predominantly so.

food, poly, theatre, memetics

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