We're almost at the end!

Sep 21, 2010 08:47

Mini-FFA #4
Saturday, 25 September, 12 noon EST (GMT -4)

Hi guys! With the deadline so close, there are a couple of housekeeping and admin matters we need to clean up, which is mainly what the next FFA will be for.

Before that, though, I need you to COMMENT HERE and tell us how many fics you are writing. This is essential for us to plan the posting schedule, because we're intending to stagger the posting, and we need to know who's writing how many fics because some of us are writing more than one, as well as confirm the number of participants.


1) We've recently gotten a number of requests for extensions, so we'll be taking a poll to find out whether you guys need an extension, and if so, how long it should be. We're trying not to drag this out too long, so hopefully the extension needed won't be a massive one!

2) We want to know how far you've gotten! Tell us how many words you have and how far into your fic you are.

3) Announcement of posting schedule. We'll be doing this the same way the CBB did theirs, that is to allow participants to post their header here, with an lj cut that links back to their own fic journals. We're looking at about 5 fics a day being posted right now, or more if we have a lot of participants still trucking on and if people are writing more than one fic.

Thanks everyone, and have a great week! Remember to comment here and tell us if you're still participating and how many fics you're writing. If you have any questions, feel free to ask us right now too.

!mod post

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