Oy. Sleepy.

Feb 01, 2006 22:25

I'm two and a half (well, closer to three) weeks into a new semester. So far, it's going fairly well. I'm freakin' exhausted since I have to be at school at 8:15 three days a week. I'm sure that doesn't sound too horrible to people who have jobs that start at 7:30 or 8:00, but I am the absolute antithesis of a morning person and it's quite a challenge for me to be functional at that hour. Additionally, one of those days ends at around 9:30 in the evening, making it a very long, very tedious, and very tiring day. I'd say the amount of coursework I have this semester is fairly similar to what I had last semester, but somehow it just feels like I have much less free time than I did. Maybe that's because I've been trying hard to keep up with my reading, and because of the change in my work responsibilities that now require me to actually do some work. (Crazy, eh?) I keep hoping that I'll feel slightly less like my days are overwhelming nonstop mashes of class and reading, because that'll lead to burnout right quick. I just keep reminding myself that one of my courses is only half a semester long, and when it ends, my schedule will suck infinitely less.

Right now, it's time for some dinner (about an hour before I have to go to bed) and then sleepy time.
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