Jan 10, 2005 11:35
There has never been a movie that put me through the wonderful rollercoaster of emotions that the live video feed from the Initiative base did. Such drama, such humor... oh! Bravo, to all the Scoobies! Amanda and I were very entertained. In the end, as I basked in the afterglow of Warren's genius, I finally had no words to describe what I was seeing. No words... Should have sent a poet.
Although yeah, way better than the movie version of Contact, if you caught my little reference there. 'Cause in the movie, they cut out like more than half the characters in the book, never mind how they skipped over some of the best, most important scenes or worse, changed them! In Warren's little play, the whole cast was there and none of the scenes would be cut or changed. Or edited. We should, like, film the whole thing like a reality TV series or something. Like... like the ultimate Survivor! And then we can sell DVD box sets and stuff! That would be cool.
Anyways, after Warren had let the Scoobies leave, I decided it was about time I went to find Tucker for that brother to brother time I'd promised him. Not to mention I was kinda worried about him, hanging around with that big scary religiousy person. The guy sounded like one of those hardcore Southern Baptist types that went to protest gay weddings back before Warren imposed strict laws against such disruptions. I just... I don't know what I'd do if one of these days I opened up my door to see Tucker standing there with a great big "God Hates Fags" sign. I mean, sure, Tucker's teased me about it since I was little and didn't even know what a 'queer' was, but I'd always known he wasn't entirely serious. He's just my brother, and brothers can be dicks like that sometimes.
I checked the dining hall, but it looked like everyone had cleared out of there. I checked the security monitors, but it seemed that Tucker's car was still on the property. So I assumed that Tucker must have just gone and gotten drunk or something and crashed in one of the nearby rooms. I started opening each of the doors until I just happened to open the right door. Of course, after seeing what was in there, perhaps it was the wrong door. I quickly closed that very wrong door and stood there with my hand on the knob for several moments while my brain tried to come up for a logical reason as to why I saw what I certainly didn't see. Drawing a blank, I opened the door again to double check.
Up. Same thing. Tucker tied up on the bed with Caleb casually sitting at the end.
Stare. Blink. Repeat.
"I... uh, I... did I interrupt something? I-is Tucker alright?"
[Open to Caleb and Tucker (once he comes out of his drug haze)]