It's been awhile.

Aug 23, 2006 15:11

I've been busy. A couple weeks ago, she was feverish and a little fussy, so I called the pediatrician's office. The nurse I talked to said it was probably just teething and not to worry about bringing Cordelia in, just give her Tylenol for the fever. I did that and she went back to her usual happy self, but a week later neon green gunk started pouring out of her ear! Since it was a weekend afternoon, I just took her to my Dad's house - he looked in her ear and couldn't see her eardrum because of all the goo, but he suspected it had ruptured. He gave me some antibiotic eardrops and told me to call the pediatrician. She kind of scared me into thinking she'd gone deaf. My parents are getting new floors put in, and the workmen had this really noisy machine that was scraping the remnants of the old floor off to prepare for the new floor. It was so loud Liam & James were complaining about the noise, but Cordelia barely acknowledged it. She kind of prarie dogged up to see what they were doing, then went back to playing. However, later in the day, my Mom was across the room from Cordelia and she sneezed, which made Cordelia cry. Dr. Colyer confirmed that it's an ear infection and a perforated eardrum and told me to keep using the drops Dad gave me. A week went by and the green stuff didn't stop, so Monday we went back and got a prescription for Augmentin and a referral to an ENT specialist. The side effect of Augmentin is projectile vomiting - fun, fun! After 2 doses which made her sick, Cordelia has started fighting to not take the medicine. It's easier to give the CATS medicine!
I think the confusion comes when the coach leads them onto the field and says "Stand right here". Because even though ALL the other kids, including the ones on defense, are running all over the field in a pack chasing the ball. Liam and James are standing stock still like little statues planted right where the coach put them. At one point the ball actually rolled up to Liam and bounced off his legs and he STILL didn't kick it! It's going to be a LONG season at this rate!
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