The Vague Plan

Feb 25, 2009 22:06

I've already managed to fail at my daily-posting project. Doh.

In explanation, if not excuse, I was snowshoeing most of yesterday. Then I was hanging out at Tsub, where we watched Invader Zim. It was awesome. Also, I was exhausted. So when I did get home, it was almost immediately to sleep with me. (And the internet was done, too.)

Snowshoeing was awesome. Also, I took lots of pictures.


For months now, I've been sort of spinning my wheels, trying to mull over what I want to do with myself. It's been pretty good, actually - I've been sorting out a lot of stuff (although less than I would have liked) in terms of self-organization, small projects, etc. I'm in no hurry, either personally or financially. Although the job prospects seem less and less good. My reaction is mostly just to shrug. However, it has been something of a burden on me. While it isn't that important to me, I do feel some pressure from the conventional idea (particularly as I invest it in how I think my parents feel) that one should be 'doing' something, that you should immediately get a job ("Get a job, you dirty hippie!") after college.

Recently I've come to a tentative conclusion, though. My current plan is to apply in the fall for a couple local teaching masters programs which start in the spring. I'll probably apply to the UW and Seattle University, maybe some other schools too. Those two each have 3 or 4 quarter programs. I think I could be a good teacher and find satisfaction in it. In the mean time the plan is to take some steps to investigate a career in outdoor education. I'm hopefully going to help lead a few outdoor school trips in the late spring, and I'm considering applying to be a 'Field Instructor' for Sagewalk. In a couple weeks I'm going to be taking a Wilderness First Responder course. I've been thinking about taking a NOLS course. I've been thinking maybe I'll try to be a SPOT leader (reminder to self: look into that).

So, that's the vague plan for now. We'll see if I stick with it, or if something else comes up, or I change my mind.

Anyone have any of good opportunities along these lines?
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