Dec 16, 2004 12:10
What a weird night last night was. I get a call from a friend last night and to make a long story short...if that friend wouldn't of called me or if I wouldn't of picked up the phone when she called...she would of ended her life right then and there. THANK GOD I picked up the phone. Holy shit! I don't know what I'd do without her. I'm scared. I knew she sugarcoated her life a bit, but I didn't know she was doing that bad. I just hope she calls me more and talks cause she can't have it all built up like she did. Wow. And another wierd thing that happened is, right in the middle of our convo my cell phone is starting to die so i tell her, "my phones about to die, but i'm gonna go plug it in right now. if it dies i'll call you right back." and of course somewhere in mid-sentence it dies. So I go to plug it in and i call her back, but oh no....instead of calling her back I accidentally call Monica. Monica! Of all people to accidentally call it has to be Monica! It took me a sec to actually figure out what was going on and who I just called, but when I fianlly did I said, "oh my gosh, i'm sorry. i meant to call someone else, but accidentally called you. anyways. i really have to go though, but again, sorry." She said, "it's ok" and that was it. It was weird hearing her voice after not hearing it for so long. I'm still trying to figure out if it was a good weird or a bad weird. I don't know.