May 15, 2007 03:22
To the scientific world Thru the Mt. Wilson Observatory
Mt. Wilson Calif.
To whom it may concern:
This is to certify, That I have found the Key To all Existance. And all I ask of any one Is for them to read What I am about to say. Because it is not my purpose to tell What you already know. And consequently the proof Shall follow and establish My work to make it law.
For the key to all existance Is the key to the Law By which all things Come into existance and therefore my word Is the key to that law to be verified by proof Listen therefore to what I say As follows:
The Moon Is practically all Water frozen or Ice It was formed By water evaporating From the earth Which arose and gathered Between the Earth and Sun It is hollow Like a pumpkin The inside is composed of that part of the air known as Nitrogen And very very cold Consequently its water is frozen.
If the crust of the moon Was removed, it would be a Sun bright enough To destroy the earth. There is no life upon the moon, but Without the moon There would be no life upon the earth.
There is no land upon the moon Except what has been made By falling (debris) from the sky But without the moon There would be no land Upon the earth, and consequently all life Would be in the water. and Therefore we say that there is no life Upon the Moon by reason of atmospheric conditions. But There is an abundance of life In the Moon or in the waters Of the Northern half.
There is no rain there The light is always the same and the temperature has not changed One degree in a million years The water is H20. The Ice is as pure as snow and consequently the air is N40 and To make a long story short. That is a physical paradise.
Upon the (Southern) half however The sun has never shown, Except (thru) the reflections of The Earth and stars Which is approximately Five times greater Than the light of the moon Upon the earth. Where the days and nights are equal. Fourteen days of night and Fourteen days In the light of the earth. And not a very ( ) place For life of any kind, and First to be explored by man.
Which will be done in time. These facts I will prove. In part, thru the Moving Picture World, by speaking a few words to them which will enable them to make a moving picture of the Moon in which it will appear to fall Upon the earth, and apparently come Within the reach of human hands.
The Earth, upon which we live Was created between the sun and the worlds center of gravity and fanned by the burning of Oxygen in the center ( ) and made by the remains of life and the mixing of the elements From above and from below. And it lies in the ( ) of Equal attentions and resistance Between the center of the Earth and the lines of Equal attractions and resistance above the earth. And consequently it is a hollow shell filled with Nitrogen.
Even as Nitrogen exists above the (earth) and the attraction and resistance From the center of the earth Is equal to that above the earth and an object placed below the crust of the earth, would fall upwards Even as it would fall downward If placed above the earth and with the same rapidity.
(Escaping) that the one (force) below would (loose) in velocity And the one from above would grow in velocity And so it is with the (line) of Equal attraction and Resistance above the earth. Where a common ball would flote like a feather and if two balls were liberated together, one above and one below The one above would go away From the earth. With the same increased velocity as the one below would gain In returning to the earth.
The Moon rests, or floats In that line of equal attraction and resistance - The Corona of the Earth and it cannot fall to the earth By reason of the earths resistance and it cannot fall from the earth By reason of the earths attraction and consequently it moves and floats In its orbit around the Earth.
If the crust of the earth was removed, a Sun would be revealed with such powerful Resistance, that it would Be cast out of the Solar System If the crust of the earth was doubled in weight It would sink Toward the sun One half the distance It is from it to day. And therefore by this Information, I will prove The thickness of the crust of the earth.
By the worlds great mathematitions, which will also determine the composition of all the (solar) planets and even that of the sun itself. First however I will tell them Their composition, that by (These) figures, they may prove the veracity of my (word).
The Moon moves in its orbit Of the earths resistance and the crust of the earth Moves in its orbit of resistance which in earths case is From the center of the earth and therefore it is not necessary for the earth To have any particular Thickness. And in fact there is no land at all covering the North Pole And if a common (ball) was (lessened) of the Earths Center of gravity, between
Them and the North Pole It would leave with such velocity that it would come To the surface of the water of the North Pole, providing The Ice was cleared away when it would have arrived and then it would sink and rest above the lower edge of the Earths Crust...
(He goes on to explain that Nitrogen, electricity, and something called "etholeum" are the trinity of all planetary existance)
Etholeum - The base of all existance - it is One with Electricity and There is no place where It does not exist. It is the conduit of The Light between all of the planets and thru the telephone and the radio and without it There would be no Earth Because there would be No sound. to be transferred between
The planets and Life upon the earth Etholeum, therefore is the Mother of all planetary existance and In her all things are begotten To be concieved and born of her (Providing they have not already Been born) the last of which Is human understanding...
(He also goes on to say that he is commonly called the Son of Man, and his mind has become so intelligent, that he can understand things that humanity has never known yet. My hero.)