First Entry

Jan 30, 2004 21:10

Well, well. *First journal entry dance* Pretty boring day at school. Spent every class studying for exams. *shudder* Anyway, things are looking up, now. Got some more in on this story I'm writing called "Heroes for Hire" Should be really funny. At least, the way I'm picturing it. Got this new kid in my World History class. Can't even remember his name, but he seems to have taken a real shining to me. ^_^ It's kinda creepy. All he does is hint that he wants me to make a comic in conjunction with him. He doesn't seem to get my reasoning that I can't do anything linear. I'm not good enough for that. He keeps telling me Dragon Ball Z wasn't linear looking. I don't know. Anyway, I sometimes feel like telling him that I'm not his little manga slave, but I can't break his small little heart only a week at his new school. Not much besides that.

So tune in next week...
Till then, trog out ^_^
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