(no subject)

Sep 08, 2005 15:13

Time started: 3:14pm

Name: Amanda Lee Brown
Single or Taken: :)
Sex: chica
Birthday: aug,15, 1984

Sign: leo

Siblings: sister

Eye color: hazel most of the time
Height: 5'2" and 1/2

What are you wearing right now: SHeDAISY shirt and jeans
Where do you live: lemon grove

Righty or lefty: lefty

Relationships: what about them? lol

Who are your closest friends? Larry ,Katie..i dont have many friends..im a hermit

did you send this to your crush?  :)

Best place for a date: beach

Where is your fav place to shop? wal-mart & target

Do you have any tattoos or piercing: just eyebrow
Color: pink/black

Number: 23

Boys Name: cody,james

Girls Name: kelsi,bailey,taylor

Subject in school: p.e

Animal: i have 2 dogs and a snake

Drink: diet coke
Sport: football

Food: mexican

Months: summer months

Band: shedaisy

Movie: hitch

Juice: grape

Finger: middle

Breakfast: mcdonalds

Cologne: eh
Favorite cartoon character: ord on dragon tales

-Have you ever-

Given anyone a bath: jake and brenna

Smoked: HELL no

Bungee Jumped: No

Made yourself throw-up:umm no i hate throwing up

Gone skinny dipping: maybe
Been in the opposite sex's bathroom: yes
Eaten a dog biscuit: havent tried that yet

Got your tongue stuck to a pole: no
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: yes
Broken a bone: nope

Played truth or dare: When I was a child

Been in a police car: nope

Come close to dying: in a car crash yes

Been in a sauna: yeah

Been in a hot tub: yup

Swam in the ocean: duh haha

Fallen asleep in school: yes

Ran away?: yeah for a few hours

Broken someone's heart: i saved there heart, is more like it

Cried when someone died: umm yes
Flashed someone: maybe

Cried in school: yeah..ahh memories

Fell off your chair: yes

Sat by the phone all night waiting for a call: yessss
Saved AIM conversations: nope
Saved e-mails: yeah

Fallen for your best friend?: no no no no
Been cheated on?: kinda sorta

First thing that comes to mind----

Blue: brenna's eyes

Autumn: orange
Cow: moo


Cat: cute but mean

Nickel: coins

Elbow: macaroni

What is.....

Your good luck charm: my granny gave me a coin with an angel on it the day she found out she had cancer and i take it with me everywhere :)

Whats your room like: messy

Last thing you said: shut up

What is beside you: laurens camera

What kind of shampoo do you use?: that kind

Something that has happened to you this year: lost my granny,found love
Had Chicken poX?: yup

had Sore Throat: Yes

believe in love at first sight?: sure
Like picnics: yeahhhhh
Like school: yes

What school: mount miguel hs
Loved anyone: yes 3 people

Would you:---------------------------------

Eat a live hamster: OH HELL NO
Go to a Hanson concert : yesssss..lauren loves them

Kill someone you didn't know for 15 billion dollars:no

If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want to be there with? Katie,Lauren,Shedaisy lol

If you loved someone and you were keeping something from them and it would hurt them if they found out, would you tell them: hell yes..honesty is the key and trust too

Who Was the last person................

you touched: brenna

You yelled at: my sister

Who told you they loved you: jake

Is your loudest friend: lauren
Do you/Are You: ???

Do you like filling these out: sure

Do you wear contacts or glasses: nope

Do you like yourself: no
Do you get along with your family: most of the time

Do you do drugs: hell no never ever

Have piercing below the waist?: no

Obsessive?: only when i really care

Anorexic? ppssshhh

Depressed? sometimes
Suicidal?? used to be
Final questions-

How many ppl are you sending this to: dont know
What are you listening to right now: Ringo pant at the back door
What did you do yesterday: went to the best concert i have ever been too..SHeDAISYYYY!!!!
hated someone in your family: yes
Got any awards: probably

do you want to get married: maybe someday

Good actor/ess: i can make anyone believe my stories...im a born natural

Good Singer: no

Have a lava lamp: No

How many remote controls are in your house: 10 eek
Are you double jointed: umm no

What do you dream about: hmmm
last time you showered: this morning

Last time you took a bath: ummm i dont even remember
The last movie you saw at the theatres: red eye
Scary or happy movies: happy
Root beer or Dr.Pepper: dr pepper

Mud or Jell-O wrestling:jello

Silver or Gold: Silver.

Diamonds or pearls: Diamonds.

Sunset or Sunrise: Sunsets

Phone or in person: depends on who

Oldest, middle, youngest or only child: youngest
Time ended: 3:35pm because i was talking to katie toooooo

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