Many thanks to liz_mo, morganmuffle and fleurrochard for the Christmas cards! I completely failed at sending out cards this year, but I promise to do better next year.
We actually got something resembling a white Christmas, just a few days late! It came with a pretty harsh drop in temperatures (from nearly 8° C when I left for my parents' on Wednesday, to -8° on Sunday when I returned), but the snow was pretty while it lasted. I'm sure it still is pretty elsewhere, but on the streets of course it's turned into the most appalling dirty sludge. *sighs*
I'm happy to report that my Yuletide recipient has left me a very lovely comment! So glad to be rid of that persistent voice in the back of my head constantly going, They hate it, don't they? (I wish I could turn that thing off. It's no use to anyone.)
I still haven't read much of the Yuletide archive myself - I should probably get on with that, too ...
It's Monday, I've been off work for a week, and if I want to get anything at all done before I go back to work I probably should start about now. Also, the fandom_stocking deadline isn't so far away now - high time to tackle that, too! (My own stocking is here, btw.)
To that end: anyone have any tips for getting yourself back to writing after completely collapsing in a heap? All I want to do is keep sleeping for a few months, but since that's not in the cards, writing would be nice. *g*
Also, how the hell do you go about having ideas for short fic, again? Everything I can think of wants to be epic, and I'm really not ready to tackle longfic right now. (Not to mention, it wouldn't be much use for fandom_stocking!)