Since it seems this writing thing is around to stay - at least for a little bit -, it's time to get organised! So here we go... an index for my fic!
Trobadora's Fiction Index
~Charmed~ ~Chronicles of Narnia~ ~Coldfire~ ~Doctor Who/Torchwood~ ~Fairy Tales~ ~Grimm~ ~Legend of the Seeker~ ~Neverwhere~ ~Once Upon a Time/Once Upon a Time in Wonderland~ ~Rai-kirah~ ~Sarah Connor Chronicles~ ~She-Ra: Princess of Power~ ~Star Trek (TOS/AOS)~ ~Starfire~ ~Xena: Warrior Princess~ ~~o~~
Original Fiction ~~o~~
Demon Night [R]
Pairing: Phoebe/Cole (Phoebe/Belthazor)
Summary: "I'm always Belthazor, Phoebe." - Set some time during the second half of season 3. Written for the prompt Phoebe/Cole, wall in
Porn Battle XII. 06/08/2011
Alternate link:
AO3 ~~o~~
~Chronicles of Narnia~
The Narrow Path [G]
Character: Susan Pevensie
Summary: Susan, on the way through the wardrobe, back to England. - Written for
wojelah as part of
fandom_stocking 2011. 04/01/2012
Alternate links:
AO3 -
original comment thread ~~o~~
Behold, a New World [PG-13]
Characters: Damien Vryce, Gerald Tarrant
Summary: Post-Trilogy: In the wake of sacrifices that shook Erna to the core, it's a new world - but no one quite knows its rules. For the man who used to be Gerald Tarrant, that is simply not to be borne. - Written for
autumn_belias in Yuletide 2009. 9,150 words. 21/12/2009
Alternate links:
AO3 -
The Archive In Silence [PG]
Characters: Damien Vryce, Gerald Tarrant
Summary: Post-Trilogy: Damien remembers the Hunter. 30/08/2008
Alternate links:
AO3 -
The Archive Potential (
2/2) [R]
Pairing: Gerald Tarrant/Damien Vryce
Summary: What if Gerald Tarrant never became human again? What if he was revived as the Hunter? - An alternate ending to the third book of the trilogy. - Written for
lmeden in Yuletide 2010. 14,729 words. 20/12/2010
Alternate link:
AO3 Pull/Recoil [PG]
Characters: Damien Vryce, Gerald Tarrant
Summary: Along the road, Damien thinks about the Hunter. Written for
alighiera and the prompt "sunset". 26/08/2008
Alternate links:
AO3 -
The Archive Such Beginning (
2/2) [PG-13]
Relationships: Gerald Tarrant/Narilka Lessing, Gerald Tarrant&Damien Vryce
Summary: In which Damien finds Gerald suspicious, Gerald finds Narilka intriguing, and beginnings and endings meet. (Post-trilogy.) - Written for
subtext in Yuletide 2012. 12,650 words. 23/12/2012
Alternate links:
AO3 - Vessel [PG-13]
Characters: Gerald Tarrant, Damien Vryce
Summary: Tarrant prepares Damien as bait for the Master of Lema. - Set between chapters 43 and 44 of Black Sun Rising. Not-very-subtle subtext. - Written for
liz_mo as part of
fandom_stocking 2013. 05/01/2014
Alternate link:
AO3 Why I Sojourn Here [PG]
Pairing: Tarrant/Vryce
Summary: He kept dreaming of the fae. Every night since, he was Seeing in his dreams. Written for
coldfire_sesa request: Gerald/Damien, a happy ending after CoS where they end up together. 3,643 words. 22/12/2008
Alternate links:
AO3 -
The Archive ~~o~~
~Doctor Who/Torchwood~
Abyss [R]
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: He gazed into the abyss. The abyss looked back at him with Jack's eyes. - Written for
dameruth as part of
fandom_stocking 2010 (comment thread
here). 04/01/2011
Alternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Archimedean Point [G]
Characters: Ninth Doctor, Jack Harkness (gen)
Summary: That is what Jack is now. Set toward the end of The Parting of the Ways. 09/01/2008
Alternate links:
AO3 -
The Archive -
Teaspoon Balcony Scene [R]
Pairing: Ninth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: "All right, Jacky-boy," he said, flashing his brightest smile, "let's have this out." - Set after Boom Town. Written for
Porn Battle IX - the prompt was "Nine/Jack, understanding". 29/01/2010
Alternate links:
A03 -
original comment thread -
Teaspoon Beached [PG-13]
Pairing: Eleventh Doctor/Jack Harkness
Characters: Eleventh Doctor, Jack Harkness, Amy Pond
Summary: "Can't I go anywhere without being suspected of catastrophes?" - Written for
sahiya as part of
fandom_stocking 2013. 06/01/2014
Alternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Benefits [R]
Pairings: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness, background Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones
Summary: You might as well make it worth my while." - Set post-Sleeper in Jack's timeline, and pre-Partners in Crime in the Doctor's. Written for
Porn Battle XV and the prompts, "Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness, rejection, reunited, clothes". 14/02/2014
Series: Mercury
Sequel to:
Volcano Day,
Mercury Rising,
Cold Poison and
Stretch and StrainSequels:
Subjective Time and
ShouldAlternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Borrowed Time [R]
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: Of course Jack had noticed, right from the start: the way the Doctor would turn his head that particular way, the way he'd brush off hands that tried to curl around his skull, that touched the back of his neck. The way he was guarding himself, from what Jack didn't know. - Written for
luorescence as part of the 2014 Doctor/Jack Gift Exchange at
wintercompanion. 28/04/2014
Alternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Breakthrough [R]
Pairing: Tent Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: "Suppose you're right," he said. "Suppose I'm just prejudiced." - Missing scenes from The Sound of Drums and Last of the Time Lords, written for the
wintercompanion 2010 Doctor/Jack Fest. The prompts were: According to Time Lord traditions, Jack's immortality is "wrong." But, then again, the Doctor has never been a traditional Time Lord. How does he get over his "prejudice" in order to get it on with Jack? and Jack/Doctor first kiss (after "The Parting of the Ways"). 31/03/2010
Alternate links:
A03 -
Teaspoon Centuries From Now [G]
Character: Jack Harkness
Summary: Time is no healer. 12/08/2009
Alternate links:
AO3 -
The Archive -
Teaspoon Cold Comfort [R]
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Warnings/spoilers: Consent issues. Spoilers for Children of Earth.
Summary: Jack nods, thoughtfully. "So you kill me, you fuck me, and - well, what's next? Thrilling, I have to say." (For the
wintercompanion Summer Holidays fest, prompt 15: memory - the past - absolution - forgiveness.) 28/07/2009
Alternate links:
AO3 -
The Archive -
Teaspoon Cold Poison [R]
Pairings: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness, mention of previous Ninth Doctor/Jack, oblique references to Jack/Master non-con
Summary: "Jack. What did he do to you?" - The Doctor asks the wrong question, but Jack knows what he's really after. - Set towards the end of Last of the Time Lords. Written for
canaana as part of
fandom_stocking 2013. 06/01/2014
Series: Mercury
Sequel to:
Volcano Day and
Mercury RisingSequels:
Stretch and Strain,
Subjective Time and
ShouldAlternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Cross the Line [G]
Pairing: Doctor/Jack
Summary: He won't cross that line. - 5x50 words, inspired by the Johnny Cash song I Walk the Line. Written for
dameruth as part of
fandom_stocking 2011. 06/01/2012
Alternate links:
AO3 -
original comment thread -
Teaspoon The End of It [G]
Characters: Tenth Doctor, Jack Harkness (gen/pre-slash)
Summary: "Come travel with me again." Set during and after Last of the Time Lords. 06/07/2007
Alternate links:
AO3 -
The Archive -
Teaspoon Enough [R]
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: He'll take that, just this once. - Set toward the end of Last of the Time Lords. 16/01/2008
Alternate links:
AO3 -
The Archive -
Teaspoon the eyes are new, the look is old [R]
Pairing: female!Doctor/Jack Harkness, previous Eleventh Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: "Bugger, this is uncomfortable. Never mind the shoes - my braces are cutting into my breasts, and my pants are designed for an anatomy I no longer possess." She clawed at her throat. "And I'm never wearing bow-ties again." - Written for
Porn Battle XV and the prompt: "any Doctor/Jack, ties". 02/02/2014
Alternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Faces [G]
Characters: Tenth Doctor, Jack Harkness (gen)
Summary: "Has he condemned his friend to go through all of it again, from the start?" - Set between the good-bye scenes in Last of the Time Lords - after Jack leaves, but before Martha leaves. 02/07/2007
Alternate links:
AO3 -
The Archive -
Teaspoon Five Nights in the TARDIS [PG-13]
Pairings: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness; Eleventh Doctor/Jack Harkness
Characters: Ninth Doctor, Tenth Doctor, Eleventh Doctor, Jack Harkness
Summary: He wanted to hold on to it just a little longer - hold on to the laughter and the music and the brightness of it all. - Set after The Doctor Dances, during Last of the Time Lords, End of Time and Eleventh Hour, and after A Christmas Carol. Written for
monkiainen as part of
public_call 2014. 14/12/2014
Alternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Get Off [R]
Pairing: Eleventh Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: "We're doing this all wrong, aren't we?" - The Doctor is stuck in the grasp of a flesh-eating plant. Jack is stuck on other things. - Written for
navaan as part of
public_call 2014. 21/12/2014
Alternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Gifts Unasked For [G]
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: "He bumped into Jack again in the year 3 billion something-or-other." Written for the
notsobigheaded ficathon, set some time after the series 3 finale. 05/07/2007
Alternate links:
AO3 -
The Archive -
Teaspoon The Hand Can Reach [PG]
Pairings: Ninth Doctor/Jack Harkness, Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: For all the things that are beyond his reach now, this he still can have. (For the
New Year challenge at
wintercompanion.) 08/01/2008
Alternate links:
AO3 -
The Archive -
Teaspoon Identity [PG-13]
Characters: Daleks; Oswin Oswald; the Doctor
Summary: Everything falls before the might of the Daleks. Doesn't it? - Three connected ficlets, three points of view. Written for
blasters_wands 2012. 30/11/2012
Alternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Inevitable [G]
Pairing: Ninth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: When Jack was mortal, the potential timelines spinning out from their present formed familiar patterns. - Set during that moment in The Parting of the Ways, written for the
wintercompanion 2010 Doctor/Jack Fest. The prompt was: The real reason the sight of Jack makes the Doctor queasy. 18/03/2010
Alternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Intent [PG-13]
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: Not long after "Terrible", Jack gets a chance to buy the Doctor that drink. 03/02/2010
Series: Miracle
Sequel to:
Spite Yourself,
Support and
Quiet BowerAlternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Irresistible [R]
Pairing: Ninth Doctor/Jack Harkness (mention of Jack Harkness/OFC)
Summary: "You and your 51st century pheromones. Did you know they combine with Mruiian pheromones and create something irresistible to Time Lord senses?" - Written for
canaana as part of
fandom_stocking 2010 (comment thread
here). 06/01/2011
Alternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Knife's Edge [NC-17]
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Warnings: serious darkness, sexualised violence, dubious consent, snuff (sort of)
Summary: "The Master couldn't break you. You think I could?" - Written for the
wintercompanion Whump Challenge as well as
Porn Battle XV and the prompts, "Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness, wrong, captive, god". 08/02/2014
Alternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Later [G]
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: The Doctor goes to see Jack again. Set after Last of the Time Lords, but no spoilers past Utopia. 25/06/2007
Alternate links:
AO3 -
The Archive -
Teaspoon Leave [PG-13]
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: Sometimes even bad timing can be a good thing. - Set after Meat in Jack's timeline, and after Planet of the Ood in the Doctor's. 24/02/2010
Series: Miracle
Sequel to:
Intent and
Spite Yourself,
Support and
Quiet BowerAlternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Leave Behind [G]
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: A sequence of four drabbles. - Written for
wendymr as part of
fandom_stocking 2010. 04/01/2011
Alternate links:
AO3 -
original comment thread -
Teaspoon Lifeline [PG-13]
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: "It's a thread, tying him to reality." Written for the
wintercompanion Ten/Jack fest, set after the main events of Last of the Time Lords - the prompt was: "Confrontation after the Master is dead - how can the Doctor forgive a man who did such horrible things to Jack?" 27/08/2007
Alternate links:
AO3 -
The Archive -
Teaspoon Looking Out For [PG-13]
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: Four phone calls and one meeting. - From Last of the Time Lords through Voyage of the Damned, Journey's End and Planet of the Dead to Children of Earth. Written for
wendymr as part of
fandom_stocking 2011. 05/01/2012
Alternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Make All Things New [R]
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness, Eleventh Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: He smiled as another piece of his new self clicked into place. "Not too afraid of not running," he murmured to himself. "I'm that kind of a man. For once." - Set post-Children of Earth, during and after The End of Time. Written for the
Identity Challenge at
wintercompanion. 16/01/2010
Alternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Mercury Rising [PG-13]
Pairing: Ninth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: It was never a sure thing, the Doctor's response. - Written for
yamx as part of
fandom_stocking 2013. 07/01/2014
Series: Mercury
Sequel to:
Volcano DaySequels:
Cold Poison,
Stretch and Strain,
Subjective Time and
ShouldAlternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Mercury (series)
Pairings: Ninth Doctor/Jack Harkness, Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
- Volcano Day [PG]
Jack is playing with fire. But that's rather the point, isn't it? - Mercury Rising [PG-13]
It was never a sure thing, the Doctor's response. - Cold Poison [R]
"Jack. What did he do to you?" - The Doctor asks the wrong question, but Jack knows what he's really after. - Set toward the end of Last of the Time Lords. References to Jack/Master noncon. - Stretch and Strain [PG-13]
The Doctor didn't leave. Instead, a cool hand settled on Jack's knee, a sure and natural weight, as if such gestures between them were simply understood. - Set post-Last of the Time Lords. - Benefits [R]
"You might as well make it worth my while." - Set post-Sleeper in Jack's timeline, and pre-Partners in Crime in the Doctor's. (Ten/Jack, background Jack/Ianto) - Subjective Time [PG]
"All that time travelling, do you even know how old you are? No, you don't, but I do." (Background Ten/Jack, Jack/Ianto) - Should [PG-13]
The Doctor hadn't meant to fall asleep. (Established relationship.)
Miracle (series)
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
- Terrible [R]
The Doctor can be very convincing when he wants to. - Set some time after Last of the Time Lords. - Intent [PG-13]
Not long after "Terrible", Jack gets a chance to buy the Doctor that drink. - Sublimate [R]
For once, the Doctor is completely in the here and now, grounded by Jack's fingers, Jack's mouth. - Leave [PG-13]
Sometimes even bad timing can be a good thing. - Precedence [PG]
There is no hierarchy in Jack's heart. (Ten/Jack, Jack/Ianto, Jack/Gwen UST) - Spite Yourself [R]
This city has not enough air. - Shortly after Exit Wounds, Jack grieves. The Doctor's visit isn't exactly what he was hoping for. - Support [PG-13]
Post-Journey's End, it's the Doctor's turn to grieve. (Ten/Jack, background Jack/Ianto) - Quiet Bower [G]
It's not an invitation. Or rather, it is - but an invitation of a different kind. - Set shortly before the events of Children of Earth. (Ten/Jack, Jack/Ianto)
Moments [G]
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: The TARDIS has a mind of her own. - Written for the prompt black 62 fear cedar in the
wintercompanion Summer Holidays 3 challenge. 29/07/2011
Alternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Need [PG-13]
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: He drowns in a sea of twisting space and potential time. - Written for
lindenharp as part of the
Doctor/Jack Gift Exchange 2013. 28/04/2013
Alternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Night Terrors [PG-13]
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: "He's been comfortable - almost comfortable - with the Captain all day." Set during The Sound of Drums, but only minimal spoilers for that episode. Spoilers for Utopia. 26/06/2007
Alternate links:
AO3 -
The Archive -
Teaspoon No More [PG]
Pairing: Jack Harkness/Eleventh Doctor
Summary: The Doctor had expected a chat, and some flirting, and maybe an adventure, but he hadn't expected this. - Set between The Day of the Doctor and The Time of the Doctor, written for the 2014 Summer/Winter Holidays at
wintercompanion. 30/07/2014
Alternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Of Course [PG]
Pairing: The Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: How many more times can he do this? - A drabble, written for
canaana as part of
fandom_stocking 2012. 07/01/2013
Alternate links:
AO3 -
original comment thread -
Teaspoon One Year After [PG]
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: "What did it matter? He was alone anyway." Set one year after Last of the Time Lords. 04/07/2007
Alternate links:
AO3 -
The Archive -
Teaspoon Ordinary Morning [PG]
Character: Oswin Oswald
Summary: Wood and soufflés and genius against the Daleks, for a year. - Spoilers for Asylum of the Daleks. 06/09/2012
Alternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Out of Synch [PG-13]
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: It didn't seem the most likely place to find an adventure. But the TARDIS must have had a reason for bringing him here. - Post-Planet of the Dead, the Tenth Doctor is travelling on his own. Written for
plaid_slytherin in the
dwsanta 2010 exchange. 26/11/2010
Alternate links:
AO3 -
dwsanta (original post) -
Teaspoon Pearl [G]
Characters: Tenth Doctor, Jack Harkness
Summary: "It is thought that natural pearls form under a set of accidental conditions when a microscopic intruder or parasite enters a bivalve mollusk, and settles inside the shell. [...] As a response to an irritant inside its shell the mollusk creates a pearl as a defense mechanism." (
Wikipedia) - Spoilers for Utopia. 31/08/2007
Alternate links:
AO3 -
The Archive -
Teaspoon A Perfect Prism [PG-13]
Characters: Tenth Doctor, Jack Harkness
Warning: torture
Summary: "It's brilliant, in a way, isn't it?" Jack says, conversationally. "An Artron Suppressor. Just about the only way to incapacitate a Time Lord." - When we first met him, Jack was missing two years of his memory. This is why. Written for
yamx as part of
fandom_stocking 2012. 06/01/2013
Alternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Precedence [PG]
Pairings: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness; Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones; Jack Harkness/Gwen Cooper UST
Summary: There is no hierarchy in Jack's heart. - Written for the
wintercompanion 2010 Doctor/Jack Fest. The prompt was: Jack doesn't think much of monogamy. How does the Doctor feel about Jack's other lovers? How do they feel about the Doctor? 15/03/2010
Series: Miracle
Sequel to:
Sublimate and
Spite Yourself,
Support and
Quiet BowerAlternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Quiet Bower [G]
Pairings: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness, Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones
Summary: It's not an invitation. Or rather, it is - but an invitation of a different kind. - Set shortly before the events of Children of Earth. Started for the
wintercompanion Perfect Day Challenge and finished for the
Amnesty Challenge. 11/12/2011
Series: Miracle
Sequel to:
Spite Yourself and
Support Regeneration [R]
Pairing: Ganger!Twelfth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: At the end of The Almost People, the Doctor's ganger dissolves. This is what happens after.
Alternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Respite [PG]
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: A short respite during the year-that-never-was on the Valiant. - Written for
plaid_slytherin as part of
fandom_stocking 2011. 05/01/2012
Alternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon The Right Doctor [PG]
Pairing: Jack Harkness/The Doctor
Summary: Old habits die hard, and this is one of his oldest: Jack tracks the Doctor. - Written for
navaan as part of
fandom_stocking 2013. 06/01/2014
Alternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Run and Hide [PG-13]
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: He's going to get drunk as a skunk. - Takes place between The Waters of Mars and The End of Time, Part 1. Written for
Winter Companions Summer Holidays 2012. 29/07/2012
Alternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Said and Unsaid [PG-13]
Pairing: Eleventh Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: This is the last thing Jack sees: the lock engaging, drenching everything in a wash of blue light. - Written for
Winter Companions Summer Holidays 2013. 20/07/2013
Alternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Shall Reap the Whirlwind [PG]
Characters: Tenth Doctor, Jack Harkness
Summary: "I could have done something. But I didn't." (Post-Voyage of the Damned.) Originally started for the
wintercompanion New Year challenge and finally finished for the
Amnesty challenge. 6,181 words. 31/12/2008
Alternate links:
AO3 -
The Archive -
Teaspoon Should [PG-13]
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: The Doctor hadn't meant to fall asleep. - Written for
navaan as part of
fandom_stocking 2014. 06/01/2015
Series: Mercury
Sequel to:
Volcano Day,
Mercury Rising and
Cold Poison,
Stretch and Strain,
Benefits and
Subjective Time Alternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Spite Yourself [R]
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: This city has not enough air. - Shortly after Exit Wounds, Jack grieves. The Doctor's visit isn't exactly what he was hoping for. 08/06/2010
Series: Miracle
Sequel to:
Leave and
Support and
Quiet BowerAlternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Stillness [PG]
Characters: Tenth Doctor, Jack Harkness
Warnings/spoilers: Vague spoilers for Children of Earth. Angst.
Summary: This is the moment when something breaks. (For the
wintercompanion Summer Holidays fest, prompt 11: future - carry on - purpose - trial.) 15/07/2009
Alternate links:
AO3 -
The Archive -
Teaspoon Stretch and Strain [PG-13]
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: The Doctor didn't leave. Instead, a cool hand settled on Jack's knee, a sure and natural weight, as if such gestures between them were simply understood. - Set post-Last of the Time Lords. Written for
Porn Battle XV and the prompts: "Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness, reunited, solace, clothes". 05/01/2014
Series: Mercury
Sequel to:
Volcano Day,
Mercury Rising and
Cold PoisonSequels:
Subjective Time and
Should Alternate links: AO3 -
original comment thread -
Teaspoon Subjective Time [PG]
Characters: Jack Harkness, Tenth Doctor (background Ten/Jack and Jack/Ianto)
Summary: "All that time travelling, do you even know how old you are? No, you don't, but I do." - Fluff, set after Meat in Jack's timeline. 20/02/2014
Series: Mercury
Sequel to:
Volcano Day,
Mercury Rising,
Cold Poison,
Stretch and Strain and
Should Alternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Sublimate [R]
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: For once, the Doctor is completely in the here and now, grounded by Jack's fingers, Jack's mouth. - This follows straight from
Intent. 11/02/2010
Series: Miracle
Sequel to:
Terrible and
Spite Yourself,
Support and
Quiet BowerAlternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Support [PG-13]
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness (background Jack/Ianto)
Summary: Post-Journey's End, it's the Doctor's turn to grieve. 27/01/2011
Series: Miracle
Sequel to:
Precedence and
Spite YourselfSequel:
Quiet BowerAlternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Terrible [R]
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: The Doctor can be very convincing when he wants to. - Set some time after Last of the Time Lords. Written for
Porn Battle IX - the prompt was: Ten/Jack, pursuit. 01/02/2010
Series: Miracle
Spite Yourself,
Support and
Quiet BowerAlternate links:
AO3 -
original comment thread -
Teaspoon Thin Lines [PG-13]
Pairings/Characters: Twelfth Doctor/Jack Harkness, Clara Oswald
Summary: "Get out if you don't want to regenerate today." - Sometimes, Jack hates the Doctor. Written for the
2015 Summer/Winter Holidays at
wintercompanion. 31/08/2015
Alternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Thine Own Self [PG-13]
Character: Twelfth Doctor
Summary: "You realise, of course - one of us is lying about his basic programming." - Set toward the end of Deep Breath. A double drabble, written for
philomytha as part of
fandom_stocking 2014. 07/01/2015
Alternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon A Time For Lasts [PG-13]
Pairing: Tenth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: Even when the end of time itself is looming, some things are not to be denied. - Set during the beginning of The End of Time Part 1. Written for
timelord1 in the
dwsanta 2011 exchange. 26/11/2011
Alternate links:
AO3 -
dwsanta (original post) -
Teaspoon Turning Point [G]
Pairing: Ninth Doctor/Jack Harkness
Summary: "Is that ... an alien tow truck?" - Written for
yamx as part of
fandom_stocking 2010. 04/01/2011
Alternate links:
AO3 - original comment thread:
2/2 -
Teaspoon Unclench [G]
Characters: Jack Harkness, Tenth Doctor
Summary: A Children of Earth coda, set before Jack's last good-bye scene. Written for the
Winter Companions Challenge at
wintercompanion. 07/04/2010
Alternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Under the Skin [PG-13]
Pairing: Jack Harkness/Twelfth Doctor
Summary: That grin is like nothing that ever crossed John Frobisher's face. - Response to the Twelfth Doctor's casting, with references to Children of Earth. 06/08/2013
Alternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Volcano Day [PG]
Pairing: Jack Harkness/Ninth Doctor
Summary: Jack is playing with fire. But that's rather the point, isn't it? - Written for
wojelah as part of
public_call 2013. 24/11/2013
Series: Mercury
Mercury Rising,
Cold Poison,
Stretch and Strain,
Subjective Time and
Should Alternate links:
AO3 -
Teaspoon Waiting [G]
Character: Jack Harkness
Summary: There is a difference between waiting and waiting. Not quite a drabble. - Written for
airawyn as part of
fandom_stocking 2010. 06/01/2011
Alternate links:
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Teaspoon Worst Case Scenario [PG]
Characters: Tenth Doctor, Jack Harkness
Summary: The Master can kill everyone, but not Jack. - Double drabble, set during The Sound of Drums, while the Doctor, Jack and Martha are hiding from the Master. Written for
joking as part of
fandom_stocking 2011. 06/01/2012
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original comment thread -
Teaspoon ~~o~~
~Fairy Tales~
The Path of Wolves [R]
Fairy Tale: Rotkäppchen | Little Red Riding Hood
Pairing: Little Red Riding Hood/Female Big Bad Wolf
Summary: Red had grown older, and Mother had grown anxious, and now the woods were forbidden, no matter how bright the sun in the sky. - Written for
ashers_kiss as part of
femslashex 2015. 22/10/2015
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AO3 ~~o~~
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