Apr 07, 2004 21:18
wow! YES, THIS IS AN UPDATE, FOR YOU ALL WHO READ THIS AND WHO DONT, MUWHAHAHAHA. anywho...alittle weird is all. its not like i am talking german or anything, aber ich soll. hehe. so, lets see, i tried to translate jen's joke. lemme tell you, i think she made those words up you know like Flipperwaldt and stuff...i dunno, maybe she mispelled it or something, or maybe she didnt have oomlouts. just maybe *looks suspiciously*.so, yeah, i found a new Deutsches Parterin, which is good because i didnt have anyone to stay with. i just hope we get along, better than what cheryl and i did. hoffentlich. lets see, my weekend is booked for the first time von freitag bis Sonstag, which is sehr toll! yay for genglish...(german-english) for all those who are not fimiliar with it...i speak genglish alot. yay!! i think. anywho, ich soll gehen. tchau. bis bald. and goodbye, for all those non german folk. peace out.